This topic describes the changes in this minor release of Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure.
Release Date: July 06, 2023
Breaking changes
This release has the following breaking changes:
- Removed subsume capability for Azure SQL MSSQL Database Instance and Azure SQL MSSQL Failover Group: It is no longer possible to subsume an Azure SQL MSSQL Database Instance or an Azure SQL MSSQL Failover Group. The plan preconfigured in the brokerpak is also eliminated. For more information about the implications of this change, see the Upgrade procedure section in Upgrading Cloud Service Broker for Azure.
New features and changes in this release:
- Terraform upgraded to v1.4.6: The Terraform version used to apply changes is upgraded from v1.1.9 to v1.4.6. You must upgrade all service instances. When you upgrade, ensure that you follow the Upgrade procedure.
Azure MSSQL Database and Azure MSSQL Failover Group
Long-term backup retention configuration exposed: By using the long-term retention (LTR) feature, you can store specified SQL Database backups in Azure Blob storage with configured redundancy for up to 10 years. To enable LTR, you can define a policy using a combination of four parameters: weekly backup retention (W), monthly backup retention (M), yearly backup retention (Y), and week of year (WeekOfYear).
For how to configure, see Configuration Parameters for Azure MSSQL Database or Configuration Parameters for Azure MSSQL Failover Group.
Resolved issues
This release has the following fixes:
Fixes a timeout when starting the app: In some scenarios, the application takes longer than 60 seconds to start. This causes Cloud Foundry to mark the app as unhealthy. To resolve the issue, the timeout for this tile is now 120 seconds.
Fixed error, Argument list too long, when starting the application: When configuring the Cloud Service Broker with a long list of server pairs, the application threw an error, Argument list too long, due to reaching the limit allowed by the operating system when setting environment variables. Now the application sets the necessary variables more efficiently.
Known issues
This release has the following issues:
Failure to select the right stack during install:
Incorrect buildpack stack association when the stack cflinuxfs4 is not available in your deployment.
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