Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Microsoft Azure 1.6

Release Notes for Cloud Service Broker for Azure

Last Updated October 24, 2024

This topic describes the changes in this minor release of Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure (Cloud Service Broker for Azure).


Release date: December 20, 2023

Resolved issues

This release has the following fixes:

  • The preinstall check does not run on reconfiguration: Previously, the preinstall check correctly ran before attempting an upgrade but incorrectly ran when reconfiguring the tile. This blocks configuration changes needed to resolve potential upgrade issues.

  • The Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure tile now requires Jammy Stemcell:

    The tile now depends on Jammy Stemcells instead of Xenial. You must have a Jammy Stemcell available in Tanzu Operations Manager, and Tanzu Operations Manager must be at version v2.10.33 or later.

    Previously this change was incorrectly stated as being in v1.6.0, and it has now been included in v1.6.1.


Release date: October 20, 2023

Breaking changes

This release has the following breaking changes:

  • The Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure tile stops the installation if there are any outdated instances:

    From now on, ensure that service instances are up to date before upgrading the tile. Out-of-date service instances cause the installation to stop. Your instances use the latest released features that include the latest security patches.

Resolved issues

This release has the following fixes:

Azure SQL (MSSQL) and Azure SQL (MSSQL) Database

  • Fixed failure in unbinding operation The database principal owns a schema in the database error:

    From now on, Cloud Service Broker for Azure re-assigns data ownership to the binding_user_group role when a service key or a binding is deleted.

  • Fixed incorrect buildpack stack association when the stack cflinuxfs4 is not available:

    If your deployment does not have the cflinuxfs4 stack available, but has the cflinuxfs3 stack available, the tile now deploys the application by selecting the cflinuxfs3 stack and creates the correct association.

Known issues

A previous version of these release notes incorrectly stated that the Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure tile now requires Jammy Stemcell. In fact this version requires Xenial Stemcells as previous versions did.

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