This topic introduces Tanzu Operations Manager and describes how you can get started.
Tanzu Operations Manager is a software tool to help you expand and manage products that you can install on your deployment. Each of these products is represented as a tile in the UI.
Tanzu Operations Manager deploys with the BOSH Director tile by default, which is a single point of control for VMs. The BOSH Director supports various IaaSes, including AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, and vSphere.
With Tanzu Operations Manager, you can install the following types of tiles:
Runtime Tiles: You can install VM-based or Kubernetes-based runtimes. These dynamically run apps and other processes to balance demand throughout app lifecycles. Example runtimes managed through Tanzu Operations Manager include Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry and VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI).
Service Tiles: You can install various services that help support your deployment. Example services you can manage through Tanzu Operations Manager include MySQL, Valkey (formerly Redis), and Gemfire.
For more information about the tiles you can install, see Broadcom Support portal.
Tanzu Application Service is now called Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry. The current version of Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry is 10.0.
Tanzu Operations Manager responsibilities
Tanzu Operations Manager is managed by an operator. The operator is responsible for installing and maintaining runtime and service tiles.
Operator responsibilities
The Tanzu Operations Manager operator is responsible for:
Configuring Tanzu Operations Manager capabilities
Integrating Tanzu Operations Manager with external systems
Updating Tanzu Operations Manager and installed products
Monitoring Tanzu Operations Manager health and performance
Adjusting Tanzu Operations Manager resources and options to fix health or performance issues
Diagnosing and troubleshooting Tanzu Operations Manager problems
Managing Tanzu Platform for CF users, resources, and infrastructure
Installing software services and otherwise assisting developers
Creating and managing Tanzu Operations Manager user and client accounts
Limited-access operator responsibilities
Operators can give limited-access view or write Tanzu Operations Manager responsibilities to others within an organization.
For more information about privileges, see Configuring role-based access control in Tanzu Operations Manager.
Tanzu Operations Manager documentation
The following sections describe where to get started in the Tanzu Operations Manager documentation.
Release notes and upgrading
For information on new features, security patches, and upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager, see the following topics:
Installing and configuring by IaaS
For information about managing each IaaS on Operations Manager, see the following documentation sets:
- Installing and configuring Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS
- Installing and configuring Tanzu Operations Manager on Azure
- Installing and configuring Tanzu Operations Manager on GCP
- Installing and configuring Tanzu Operations Manager on OpenStack
- Installing and configuring Tanzu Operations Manager on vSphere
Using the UI
For information about how to fulfill common operator duties with the UI, see the following topics:
- Using the Tanzu Operations Manager interface
- Adding and deleting products from Tanzu Operations Manager
- Importing and managing stemcells in Tanzu Operations Manager
- Managing errands in your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment
Using the API or CLI
For information about how to use the Tanzu Operations Manager API or CLI and to configure deployments programmatically, see the following topics:
- Using the Tanzu Operations Manager CLI
- Using the Tanzu Operations ManagerAPI
- Using Tanzu Operations Manager programmatically and from the command line
Backing up and troubleshooting
For information about how to back up, restore, and troubleshoot Tanzu Operations Manager deployments, see the following topics:
- Backing up and restoring your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment
- Troubleshooting problems in your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment
Monitoring and logging
For information about accessing logs and metrics for VMs and app containers, see the following topics:
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