You can upgrade VMware Tanzu Operations Manager and Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry to v3.0, and then upgrade your product tiles.
Breaking Changes: Read the Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0 Release Notes, Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry v10.0 Release Notes, Isolation Segment v10.0 Release Notes, and Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry [Windows] v10.0 Release Notes, including the Breaking Changes and Known Issues sections, before you start the upgrade process.
During an upgrade, the apps in your deployment continue to run. However, you cannot write to your deployment or make changes to apps during the upgrade. For details about how upgrading impacts individual Tanzu Platform for CF components, see What Happens During Tanzu Platform for CF Upgrades.
VMware recommends upgrading directly to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0 from Tanzu Operations Manager v2.5 through v2.9. To upgrade Tanzu Operations Manager to v3.0 from Tanzu Operations Manager v2.5 through v2.9, see Jump Upgrade to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0. To upgrade both Tanzu Operations Manager and Tanzu Platform for CF, see Task 1: Prepare to Upgrade.
Jump upgrade from Tanzu Operations Manager v2.5 through v2.9
Jump upgrading describes the process of skipping minor versions when upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager. Jump upgrading enables you to upgrade directly to the latest version of Tanzu Operations Manager, which is v3.0. For more information, see Jump Upgrading to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0.
To jump upgrade to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0:
Review the prerequisites and breaking changes described in Jump upgrading to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0.
Complete the steps to prepare Tanzu Operations Manager, the BOSH Director, and BOSH-managed add-ons for upgrading in Upgrade preparation checklist for Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0. Do not complete the steps to prepare Tanzu Platform for CF for upgrading.
Follow the procedure in this topic to upgrade Tanzu Operations Manager, starting at Task 1: Prepare to upgrade. Do not complete the steps to upgrade Tanzu Platform for CF.
Upgrade Tanzu Platform for CF
Skip this step if you are using the jump upgrade method described in the previous section.
If you are upgrading Tanzu Platform for CF to the next minor release:
Locate the version of Upgrade preparation checklist for Tanzu Operations Manager that is specific to the minor release version to which you are upgrading and complete the steps that are specific to Tanzu Platform for CF.
For more information, see the versions of Configuring Tanzu Platform for CF for upgrades in the Tanzu Platform for CF documentation and Upgrading Tanzu Platform for CF and Other Tanzu Operations Manager Products that are specific to the minor release version to which you are upgrading.
Task 1: Prepare to upgrade
If you have not already, complete the steps in Upgrade preparation checklist for Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0.
Task 2: Upgrade Tanzu Operations Manager and installed products to v3.0
The following sections describe how to upgrade Tanzu Operations Manager and installed products to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0.
Import installation to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0 VM
To import your Tanzu Operations Manager installation to the Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0 VM:
Download the Tanzu Operations Manager VM Template v3.0 from the Tanzu Operations Manager download page on Broadcom Support portal.
Record the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) address of the existing Tanzu Operations Manager VM.
To avoid conflicts, power off the existing Tanzu Operations Manager VM.
Deploy the new Tanzu Operations Manager VM by following the steps in one of these topics:
- AWS: Upgrading BOSH Director on AWS.
- Azure: Upgrading BOSH Director on Azure.
- GCP: Upgrading BOSH Director on GCP.
- OpenStack: Deploying Tanzu Operations Manager on OpenStack.
- vSphere: Deploying Tanzu Operations Manager on vSphere.
When redirected to the Welcome to Tanzu Operations Manager page, click Import Existing Installation.
When you are prompted, enter the Decryption Passphrase for this Tanzu Operations Manager installation. You set this passphrase during your initial installation of Tanzu Operations Manager.
If lost, the Decryption Passphrase cannot be recovered. -
Click Choose File and go to the installation ZIP file exported in the installation export step of your upgrade preparation. For more information, see Export Your Installation in Upgrade Preparation Checklist for Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0.
Click Import.
Some browsers do not provide feedback on the status of the import process, and might appear to fail. -
A Successfully imported installation message appears upon completion.
Tanzu Operations Manager automatically imports the Telemetry for Tanzu Operations Manager tile. This tile collects product usage data, which helps improve VMware products and services.
Using Telemetry for Tanzu Operations Manager is optional and the tile does not share product usage data until you add and configure it. For more information, see the documentation for the Telemetry for Tanzu Operations Manager tile.
Import new Tanzu Platform for CF and product tiles
After you upgrade to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0, you must upgrade your product versions.
To upgrade your product versions:
Click IMPORT A PRODUCT to upload the product file.
In IMPORT A BUTTON, click + next to tile. This adds the tile to your staging area.
Click the newly-added tile to review and save any configurable options.
(Optional) If you use other service tiles, you can upgrade them following the same procedure. For more information, see Upgrading Tanzu Platform for CF and other Tanzu Operations Manager products.
Complete your upgrade
If the installation fails or returns errors, contact Broadcom Support. Do not attempt to roll back the upgrade by restarting the previous version’s Tanzu Operations Manager VM.
To complete your upgrade to Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0:
Go to the Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard.
Click Review Pending Changes, then click Apply Changes. This immediately imports and applies upgrades to all tiles in a single transaction.
Click each service tile, click the Status tab, and confirm that all VMs appear and are in good health.
After confirming that the new installation functions correctly, remove the previous version’s Tanzu Operations Manager VM.
Task 3: Monitor the upgrade (optional)
The following sections describe how to monitor your Tanzu Operations Manager foundation during the upgrade and troubleshoot issues.
Check status and performance
You can monitor the progress of the upgrade by checking the status of the foundation at various locations.
VMware recommends live-monitoring your upgrade with HealthWatch. HealthWatch captures, calculates, stores, visualizes, and alerts on platform metrics, including:
- BOSH-reported VM metrics
- Runtime component metrics
- Key Performance Indicators and Key Scaling Indicators
- Healthwatch-generated super metrics
For more information, see the Healthwatch documentation.
If you are not using Healthwatch, you can do some or all of the following to monitor upgrade progress:
Use the BOSH CLI to check the status of a task, VM, or instance. For more information, see Check Status using BOSH CLI.
Check app availability.
Run cf CLI commands.
Check the availability of the Tanzu Operations Manager UI.
If using a network-attached storage (NAS) server, check the server’s performance.
If on vSphere, check vSphere performance.
Check status using the BOSH CLI
To check the status of a task, run:
bosh -e ALIAS task TASK-NUMBER
* `ALIAS` is your BOSH alias.
* `TASK-NUMBER` is the number of the upgrade task you want to check.
To check the status of a VM, run:
bosh -e ALIAS vms --vitals
Where `ALIAS` is your BOSH alias.
To check the status of an instance, run:
bosh -e ALIAS instances --ps
Where `ALIAS` is your BOSH alias.
Check Diego state
You can use the CF Diego Operator Toolkit (cfdot) to check Diego component instance count by current state. For more information, see the cfdot repository on GitHub.
Take snapshots of storage metrics
You can periodically take snapshots of storage metrics. VMware recommends this if you have a large foundation and have experienced storage issues in the past.
Collect logs
If you encounter problems during upgrade, collect the following information: * All job logs * Task debug logs for VM upgrade tasks * The installation log from Tanzu Operations Manager
This information helps determine the cause of upgrade issues.
Task 4: After upgrade
The following sections describe how to prepare for use of your new environment, check its health status, and clean up after upgrading.
Recreate BOSH alias
To log in to BOSH after upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager, you must re-create your alias.
To recreate your alias using BOSH:
bosh alias-env ALIAS -e DIRECTOR-IP
is the BOSH alias you are re-creating.DIRECTOR-IP
is the IP address of your BOSH Director VM.
Install new cf CLI
To install the version of the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI) packaged with the Tanzu Platform for CF tile on the Broadcom Support portal:
Go to the Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry download page on the Broadcom Support portal.
Click your release number, and then download the CF CLI.
Unzip the cf CLI ZIP file containing compressed binaries for the cf CLI.
Follow the procedure in the Tanzu Platform for CF documentation to install the new cf CLI.
Check the health of your deployment
Check the health of your deployment to ensure that all jobs and processes are running as expected.
To check the health of your deployment:
Check the health of each BOSH deployment in your installation by running:
bosh -e ALIAS -d DEPLOYMENT-NAME instances --ps bosh -e ALIAS vms --vitals bosh -e ALIAS -d DEPLOYMENT-NAME cck --report
is the name of your BOSH deployment.
Push and horizontally scale a test app to test Tanzu Platform for CF performance.
If you are running Tanzu Platform for CF MySQL as a cluster, run the
tool to validate health of the cluster. For more information, see the BOSH CLI v2 instructions in Running mysql-diag in the Tanzu Platform for CF documentation.
Check resource settings
If you added custom VM Type or Persistent Disk Type options, you must ensure that these values are set correctly and were not overwritten.
To check your custom resource settings:
Go to the Installation Dashboard and click the BOSH Director tile.
Click Resource Config.
Ensure that the values for VM Type and Persistent Disk Type are correct.
Run BOSH clean-up
To clean up old stemcells, releases, orphaned disks, and other unused resources, run:
bosh -e ALIAS clean-up --all
Where `ALIAS` is the BOSH alias you are recreating.
Restage apps
VMware recommends telling developers to restage any apps that use buildpacks that were updated as a part of this upgrade.
For more information about how developers can restage apps, see Restage your app in Starting, Restarting, and Restaging Apps in the Tanzu Platform for CF documentation.
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