This topic describes how you can upgrade BOSH Director for VMware Tanzu Operations Manager on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Perform these tasks as part of the Tanzu Operations Manager upgrade process.
For information about upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager, see Task 2: Upgrade Tanzu Operations Manager and installed products to v3.0 in Upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager.
In this procedure, you create a Tanzu Operations Manager VM instance to host the upgraded version of Tanzu Operations Manager. Then, to complete the Tanzu Operations Manager upgrade, you export your existing Tanzu Operations Manager installation onto this new VM.
For Tanzu Operations Manager installations on AWS, the VM that hosts the new version of Tanzu Operations Manager uses an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) specific to your region.
To create a Tanzu Operations Manager VM instance:
Retrieve the Tanzu Operations Manager AMI ID. See Retrieve Tanzu Operations Manager AMI ID.
Launch the AMI. See Launch Tanzu Operations Manager AMI.
Edit the Tanzu Operations Manager DNS A Record. See Edit Tanzu Operations Manager DNS A Record.
To complete the Tanzu Operations Manager upgrade, you must have your Tanzu Operations Manager decryption passphrase. You defined this decryption passphrase during the initial installation of Tanzu Operations Manager.
Retrieve Tanzu Operations Manager AMI ID
Tanzu Operations Manager has a different AMI ID for each region. Retrieve and record the AMI ID for your region. You must use this AMI ID when launching the Tanzu Operations Manager AMI instance.
To retrieve the AMI ID for Tanzu Operations Manager:
Go to the Tanzu Operations Manager page on the Broadcom Support portal.
Select the version of Tanzu Operations Manager you want to install from the Release list.
In the Release Download Files, click the file named Tanzu Operations Manager for AWS to download a PDF.
Open the PDF and record the AMI ID for your region.
Launch Tanzu Operations Manager AMI
Use the AMI ID for your region to launch an AMI instance that hosts the new version of Tanzu Operations Manager.
To launch the AMI for Tanzu Operations Manager:
Go to your EC2 Dashboard.
In the Images menu, click AMIs.
In the Owned by me drop-down filter, click Public images.
Paste the AMI ID for your region into the search bar and press enter.
There is a different AMI for each region. If you cannot locate the AMI for your region, verify that you have set your AWS Management Console to your desired region. If you still cannot locate the AMI, contact Support.
(Optional) If you want to encrypt the VM that runs Tanzu Operations Manager with AWS Key Management Service (KMS):
- Right-click the row that lists your AMI and click Copy AMI.
- Select your Destination region.
- Enable Encryption. For more information about AMI encryption, see Encryption and AMI Copy in Copying an AMI in the AWS documentation.
- Select your KMS Key. To create a new custom key, see Creating Keys in the AWS documentation.
- Click Copy AMI. You can use the new AMI you copied for the next steps.
Select the row that lists your Tanzu Operations Manager AMI and click Launch.
Select m5.large for your instance type.
Click Next: Configure Instance Details.
Configure the following fields for your instance:
- Network: Select the VPC that you created.
- Subnet: Click
. - Auto-assign for Public IP: Click Enable.
- IAM role: Select the IAM role associated with your pcf-user profile. If you have not created one, click Create new IAM role and follow the procedures in AWS Permissions Guidelines.
- For all other fields, accept the default values.
Click Next: Add Storage.
Adjust the Size (GiB) value. The default persistent disk value is 50 GB. VMware recommends increasing this value to a minimum of 100 GB.
Click Next: Tag Instance
On the Add Tags pane, add a tag with the key
and valuepcf-ops-manager
. -
Click Next: Configure Security Group.
Select the
that you created in Configure a Security Group for Tanzu Operations Manager in Preparing to Deploy Tanzu Operations Manager on AWS. -
Click Review and Launch and confirm the instance launch details.
Click Launch.
Click the
key pair, confirm that you have access to the private key file, and click Launch Instances. You use this key pair to access the Tanzu Operations Manager VM.
Edit Tanzu Operations Manager DNS A record
After you deploy the new Tanzu Operations Manager VM, edit the Tanzu Operations Manager DNS record in the EC2 dashboard to point to the IP address for the new VM.
To edit the Tanzu Operations Manager DNS A record:
Click View Instances to access the Instances page on the EC2 Dashboard.
Select the VM that you created in the previous section.
Locate the IPv4 Public IP value in the instance Description tab, and record this value for use in the next step.
In your DNS provider, edit the A record for
to point to the IP address recorded in the previous step, whereSYSTEM-DOMAIN
is the system domain of your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment.
Next steps
After you complete this procedure, continue to the upgrade instructions in Upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager.
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