Tanzu Operations Manager 3.0

Upgrading Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry and other Operations Manager products

Last Updated March 13, 2025

You can upgrade to a point release (for example, from v3.0.0 to v3.0.1) of Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry and other product tiles without upgrading VMware Tanzu Operations Manager. You might need to perform this upgrade if a security update for Tanzu Platform for CF is released, or if new features are introduced in a point release of a product tile.

For Tanzu Platform for CF component and version information, see the Tanzu Platform for CF documentation.

If you cannot download products from Broadcom Support portal due to restricted network connectivity, see Installing Tanzu Operations Manager in Air-Gapped Environments.


Before you upgrade to point releases:

Check BOSH Director disk space

Confirm that the BOSH Director VM has adequate disk space for your upgrades. You need at least 20 GB of free disk space to upgrade Tanzu Operations Manager and Tanzu Platform for CF. If you plan to upgrade other products, the amount of disk space required depends on how many tiles you plan to deploy to your upgraded Tanzu Operations Manager deployment.

To check current persistent disk usage:

  1. Go to Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard.

  2. Click the BOSH Director tile.

  3. Click the Status tab.

  4. Check the value of the PERSISTENT DISK TYPE column. If persistent disk usage is higher than 50%:

    1. Click the Settings tab.
    2. Click Resource Config.
    3. Increase your persistent disk space to handle the size of the resources. If you do not know how much disk space to allocate, set the value to at least 100 GB.

Upgrading Tanzu Platform for CF

If you use the Broadcom Support portal API, the latest product versions automatically appear in the Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard. For more information, see Using Broadcom Support portal API to upgrade products in Adding and Deleting Products.

To upgrade Tanzu Platform for CF without upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager:

  1. Download the product file from Broadcom Support portal.

  2. Import the product file to your Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard.

  3. Click the + icon next to the uploaded product description to add this product to your staging area.

  4. Click the newly added tile to review any configurable options.

  5. Click Review Pending Changes.

  6. Click Apply Changes to install the service.

Upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager products

If you use the Broadcom Support portal API, the latest product versions automatically appear in the Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard. For more information, see Using Broadcom Support portal API to upgrade products in Adding and Deleting Products.

This section describes how to upgrade individual products like Single Sign-On for VMware Tanzu, VMware Tanzu SQL [MySQL], VMware RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Platform, and App Metrics in your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment. Ensure you review the individual product upgrade procedure for each tile.

To upgrade your products:

  1. Browse to Broadcom Support portal and sign in.

  2. Download the latest release for the product or products that you want to upgrade. Every product is tied to exactly one stemcell. Download the stemcell that matches your product and version.

  3. Go to the Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard.

  4. Click Import a Product.

  5. Select the .pivotal file that you downloaded from Broadcom Support portal or received from your software distributor, then click Open. If the product is successfully added, it appears in your product list. If the product that you selected is not the latest version, the most up-to-date version appears in your product list.

  6. Click the + icon to add the product tile to the Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard.

  7. Repeat the import, upload, and upgrade steps for each product you download.

  8. If you are upgrading a product that uses a self-signed certificate from v1.1 to v1.2, you must configure the product to trust the self-signed certificate. To configure a product to trust the self-signed certificate:

    1. Click the product tile.
    2. Select the setting page containing the SSL certificate configuration. For example, for Tanzu Platform for CF, select the HAProxy pane.
    3. Check the Trust Self-Signed Certificates box.
    4. Click Save.
  9. Click Review Pending Changes.

  10. Click Apply Changes.

Upgrading replicated tiles

To upgrade a replicated tile, you must:

  • Generate a replica of the newer version of the tile using the Replicator.
  • Give the new replica the same name as the existing replica.

Example workflow

This example workflow assumes the following:

  • You used the Replicator to generate a replica of the Isolation Segment v1 tile.
  • You used the name seg-one.
  • You installed the tile in Tanzu Operations Manager.
  • You used the following sample Replicator command for the initial installation:

    --name seg-one\
    --path /download/p-isolation-segment-v1.pivotal\
    --output /output/p-isolation-segment-v1-seg-one.pivotal

To upgrade your replicated tile to Isolation Segment v2:

  1. Download and unzip the new Replicator from the Isolation Segment page on Broadcom Support portal. You must download the version of Replicator that corresponds with the version of the Isolation Segment tile you want to replicate.

  2. Create the replica by running:

      --path PATH-TO-NEW-TILE \
      --output /output/p-isolation-segment-v2-seg-one.pivotal


    • NAME-OF-EXISTING-REPLICA must be the same as the name used for the existing replica. In this example, this name is seg-one.
    • PATH-TO-NEW-TILE is the path to the new Isolation Segment tile.
  3. After you create the replica tile p-isolation-segment-v2-seg-one.pivotal, upload it to the Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard. This upgrades the Isolation Segment v1 replica tile in place.