To troubleshoot your VMware Tanzu Operations Manager deployments, you might need to SSH into the Tanzu Operations Manager VM or BOSH Director VM. You can use SSH to connect to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM or the BOSH Director VM.
After you successfully SSH into the Tanzu Operations Manager VM, you can perform troubleshooting operations. For more information about troubleshooting, see Advanced troubleshooting with the BOSH CLI.
Log in to Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH
Use SSH to connect to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM. To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM, go to the procedure for your IaaS:
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in AWS, you need the key pair you used when you created the Tanzu Operations Manager VM. To see the name of the key pair, click the Tanzu Operations Manager VM and locate the key pair name
in properties.
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in AWS:
Locate the Tanzu Operations Manager FQDN on the AWS EC2 instances page.
chmod 600 ops_mgr.pem
to change the permissions on the.pem
file to be more restrictive. For example:chmod 600 ops_mgr.pem
Log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH.
ssh -i ops_mgr.pem ubuntu@FQDN
is the fully qualified domain name of Tanzu Operations Manager.For example:
$ ssh -i ops_mgr.pem
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in Azure, you need the key pair you used when creating the Tanzu Operations Manager VM. If you need to reset the SSH key, locate the Tanzu Operations Manager VM in the Azure portal and click Reset Password.
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in Azure:
From the Azure portal, locate the Tanzu Operations Manager FQDN by selecting the VM.
Change the permissions for your SSH private key by running the following command:
chmod 600 PRIVATE-KEY
is the name of your SSH private key. -
SSH into the Tanzu Operations Manager VM and run:
ssh -i PRIVATE-KEY ubuntu@FQDN
is the FQDN for your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment.PRIVATE-KEY
is the name of your SSH private key.
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in GCP:
Confirm that you have installed the Google Cloud SDK and CLI. For more information, see the Google Cloud Platform documentation.
Initialize Google Cloud CLI, using a user account with Owner, Editor, or Viewer permissions to access the project. Ensure that the Google Cloud CLI can log in to the project by running the command
gcloud auth login
. -
From the GCP web console, go to Compute Engine.
Locate the Tanzu Operations Manager VM in the VM Instances list.
Under Remote access, click the SSH drop-down menu and click View gcloud command.
Copy the SSH command that appears in the pop-up window.
Paste the command into your terminal window to SSH to the VM. For example:
$ gcloud compute ssh "YOUR-VM" --zone "YOUR-ZONE-ID"
sudo su - ubuntu
to switch to theubuntu
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in OpenStack, you need the key pair that you created in Configure Security in Deploying Tanzu Operations Manager on OpenStack. If you must reset the SSH key, locate the Tanzu Operations Manager VM in the OpenStack console and boot it in recovery mode to generate a new key pair.
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in OpenStack:
Locate the Tanzu Operations Manager FQDN on the Access & Security page.
chmod 600 ops_mgr.pem
to change the permissions on the.pem
file to be more restrictive. For example:chmod 600 ops_mgr.pem
Log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH.
ssh -i ops_mgr.pem ubuntu@FQDN
is the fully qualified domain name of Tanzu Operations Manager.For example:
$ ssh -i ops_mgr.pem
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in vSphere, you must have the public SSH key that imports the Tanzu Operations Manager .ova
or .ovf
file into your virtualization system.
You set the public SSH key in the Public SSH Key text box of the Customize template screen when you deployed Tanzu Operations Manager. For more information, see Deploy Tanzu Operations Manager in Deploying Tanzu Operations Manager on vSphere.
If you lose your SSH key, you must shut down the Tanzu Operations Manager VM in the vSphere UI and then reset the public SSH key. For more information, see Edit vApp Settings in the vSphere documentation.
To log in to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM with SSH in vSphere:
Run the following command:
ssh ubuntu@FQDN
is the fully qualified domain name of Tanzu Operations Manager.For example:
$ ssh
When you are prompted, enter the public SSH key.
Log in to the BOSH Director VM with SSH
Do the following steps to log in to the BOSH Director VM with SSH:
In Tanzu Operations Manager, open the BOSH Director tile.
Click the Credentials tab.
Next to Bbr Ssh Credentials, click Link to Credential. A tab opens containing a JSON credential structure.
Copy the
and paste it into a file namedbbr.pem
Include-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
and-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
.Keep the key secure. The key provides full access to the entire Tanzu Operations Manager environment.
Replace all
characters inbbr.pem
with a line break. -
to the~/.ssh/
directory on your computer. -
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/bbr.pem
to modify the permissions of the file. -
Log in to the BOSH Director VM with SSH from your machine.
ssh bbr@BOSH-DIRECTOR-IP -i ~/.ssh/bbr.pem
If you use GCP, ensure SSH port
is open for the BOSH Director VM in your GCP console. If the SSH port is not open, open it by creating a firewall rule. -
sudo -i
to get the root privilege.
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