Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 4.0

Managing access to Service Plans

Last Updated March 13, 2025

All new service plans from standard brokers are private by default. When you add a new broker, or when you add a new plan to an existing broker’s catalog, service plans do not immediately become available. This is an admin control which service plans are available to you, and manage limited service availability.

Space-scoped brokers are registered to a specific space, and all users within that space can automatically access the broker’s service plans. With space-scoped brokers, service visibility is not managed separately.


  • CLI v6.4.0
  • Cloud Controller API v2.9.0 (cf-release v179)
  • Admin user access; the following commands can be run only by an admin user

Service Plan access

The service-access CLI command enables an admin to see the current access control setting for every service plan in the marketplace, across all service brokers.

$ cf service-access
getting service access as admin...
broker: elasticsearch-broker
   service        plan     access    orgs
   elasticsearch  standard limited

broker: p-mysql
   service   plan        access   orgs
   p-mysql   100mb-dev   all

The access column shows values all, limited, or none, defined as follows:

  • all - The service plan is available to all users, or public.
  • none - No one can use the service plan; it is private.
  • limited - The plan is available only to users within the orgs listed.

The -b, -e, and -o flags let you filter by broker, service, and org.

$ cf help service-access
   service-access - List service access settings

   cf service-access [-b BROKER] [-e SERVICE] [-o ORG]

   -b     access for plans of a particular broker
   -e     access for plans of a particular service offering
   -o     plans accessible by a particular org

Enabling access to Service Plans

Admins use the cf enable-service-access command to give users access to service plans. The command grants access at the org level or across all orgs.

When an org has access to a plan, its users see the plan in the services marketplace (cf marketplace) and its Space Developer users can provision instances of the plan in their spaces.

Enabling access to a subset of users

The -p and -o flags to cf enable-service-access let the admin limit user access to specific service plans or orgs as follows:

  • -p PLAN grants all users access to one service plan (access:all)
  • -o ORG grants users in a specified org access to all plans (access: limited)
  • -p PLAN -o ORG grants users in one org access to one plan (access: limited)

For example, the following command grants the org dev-user-org access to the p-mysql service.

$ cf enable-service-access p-mysql -o dev-user-org
Enabling access to all plans of service p-mysql for the org dev-user-org as admin...

$ cf service-access
getting service access as admin...
broker: p-mysql
   service   plan        access   orgs
   p-mysql                        dev-user-org

Run cf help enable-service-access to review these options from the command line.

Running cf enable-service-access SERVICE-NAME without any flags lets all users access every plan carried by the service. For example, the following command grants all-user access to all p-mysql service plans:

$ cf enable-service-access p-mysql
Enabling access to all plans of service p-mysql for all orgs as admin...

$ cf service-access
getting service access as admin...
broker: p-mysql
   service   plan        access   orgs
   p-mysql   100mb-dev   all

Note: When multiple brokers provide two or more services with the same name, you must specify the broker by including the -b BROKER flag in the cf enable-service-access command.

Deactivating access to Service Plans

Admins use the cf disable-service-access command to disable user access to service plans. The command denies access at the org level or across all orgs.

Deactivating access to all plans for all users

Running cf disable-service-access SERVICE-NAME without any flags disables all user access to all plans carried by the service. For example, the following command denies any user access to all p-mysql service plans:

$ cf disable-service-access p-mysql
Disabling access to all plans of service p-mysql for all orgs as admin...

$ cf service-access
getting service access as admin...
broker: p-mysql
   service    plan        access   orgs
   p-mysql    100mb-dev   none

Deactivating access for specific orgs or plans

The -p and -o flags to cf disable-service-access let the admin deny access to specific service plans or orgs as follows:

  • -p PLAN disables user access to one service plan
  • -o ORG disables access to all plans for users in a specified org
  • -p PLAN -o ORG prevents users in one org from accessing one plan

Run cf help disable-service-access to review these options from the command line.

Note: When multiple brokers provide two or more services with the same name, you must specify the broker by including the -b BROKER flag in the cf disable-service-access command.


  • You cannot disable access to a service plan for an org if the plan is currently available to all orgs. You must first disable access for all orgs; then you can enable access for a particular org.