Are your TCP routing issues related to DNS and load balancer misconfiguration, the TCP routing tier, or the routing subsystem? Take these steps to find out.
Rule out the app
If you are having TCP routing issues with an app, follow the procedure below to determine what to troubleshoot.
Note If you have mutual TLS app identity verification enabled, app containers accept incoming communication only from the Gorouter. This deactivates TCP routing. For more information, see TLS to Apps and Other Back End Services in HTTP Routing.
This procedure requires that you have the following:
- An app with TCP routing issues.
- A TCP domain. See Routes and Domains for more information about creating a TCP domain.
- A simple HTTP web app that you can use to curl.
Push a simple HTTP app using your TCP domain (cf CLI v6 only) by entering the following command:
$ cf push MY-APP -d tcp.MY-DOMAIN --random-route
For cf CLI v7 and later, the
flag is not supported. Domain is set in the manifest, in theroutes
property.$ cf push MY-APP --random-route
Curl your app on the port generated for the route. For example, if the port is 1024:
$ curl tcp.MY-DOMAIN:1024
If the curl request fails to reach the app, proceed to the next section: Rule Out DNS and the Load Balancer.
If the curl request to your simple app succeeds, curl the app you are having issues with.
If you cannot successfully curl your problem app, TCP routing is working correctly. There is an issue with the app you cannot successfully curl.
Rule out DNS and the load balancer
Curl the TCP router healthcheck endpoint:
$ curl tcp.MY-DOMAIN:80/health -v
If you receive a
200 OK
response, proceed to the next section: Rule Out the Routing Subsystem. -
If you do not receive a
200 OK
, your load balancer may not be configured to pass through the healthcheck port. Continue following this procedure to test your load balancer configuration. -
Confirm that your TCP domain name resolves to your load balancer:
$ dig tcp.MY-DOMAIN ... tcp.MY-DOMAIN. 300 IN A 123.456.789.123
As an admin user, list the reservable ports configured for the
router group:$ cf curl /routing/v1/router_groups [ { "guid": "d9b1db52-ea78-4bb9-7473-ec8e5d411b14", "name": "default-tcp", "type": "tcp", "reservable_ports": "1024-1123" } ]
Choose a port from the
range and curl the TCP domain on this port. For example, if you chose port 1024:$ curl tcp.MY-DOMAIN:1024 -v
If you receive an immediate rejection, then the TCP router likely rejected the request because there is no route for this port.
If your connection times out, then you need to configure your load balancer to route all ports in
to the TCP routers.
Rule out the routing subsystem
Send a direct request to the TCP router to confirm that it routes to your app.
SSH into your TCP router.
Curl the port of your route using the IP address of the router itself. For example, if the port reserved for your route is
, and the IP address of the TCP router is10.0.16.18
:$ curl
If the curl is successful, then the load balancer either:
- cannot reach the TCP routers, or
- is not configured to route requests to the TCP routers from the
If you cannot reach the app by curling the TCP router directly, perform the following steps to confirm that your TCP route is in the routing table.
Record the Tcp Emitter Credentials from the UAA row in the TAS for VMs Credentials tab. This OAuth client has permissions to read the routing table.
Install the UAA CLI
:$ gem install cf-uaac
Obtain a token for this OAuth client from UAA by providing the client secret:
$ uaac token client get tcp_emitter Client secret:
Obtain an access_token:
$ uaac context
Use the routing API to list TCP routes:
$ curl api.MY-DOMAIN/routing/v1/tcp_routes -H "Authorization: bearer TOKEN" [{"router_group_guid":"f3518f7d-d8a0-4279-4e89-c058040d0000", "backend_port":60000,"backend_ip":"","port":60000,"modification_tag":{"guid":"d4cc3bbe-c838-4857-7360-19f034440000", "index":1},"ttl":120}]
In this output, each route mapping has the following:
- port: your route port
- backend_ip: an app instance mapped to the route
- backend_port: the port number for the app instance mapped to the route
If your route port is not in the response, then the
may be unable to register TCP routes with the routing API. Look at the logs fortcp_emitter
to see if there are any errors or failures. -
If the route is in the response, but you were not able to curl the port on the TCP route directly, then the TCP router may be unable to reach the routing API. Look at the logs for
to see if there are any errors or failures.
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