The Cloud Foundry CLI (cf CLI) includes commands that provide detailed control over app pushes. When you use these commands, you can choose to perform only some steps of the cf push
process or perform specific actions between the steps that are normally run as part of running cf push
Here are some example use cases for the sub-step commands:
- Updating a third party system before staging an app
- Retrying failed stagings without incurring downtime
- Calling external services to report audit data during push
- Scanning a droplet before deploy
- Integrating with a change request system
- Running droplets built on a different Cloud Foundry deployment
To support these custom push workflows, Cloud Foundry divides apps into smaller building blocks. The following table describes these building blocks as resources and lists the command associated with each one.
For information on using these commands, see Example Workflows below.
Important The cf CLI v6 commands described in this topic are experimental and unsupported. Consider upgrading to cf CLI v7 to use supported versions of these commands. To upgrade to cf CLI v7, see Install cf CLI v7 in Upgrading to cf CLI v7.
Resource | Description | Commands |
App | The top-level resource that represents an app and its configuration. For more information, see Apps in the CAPI documentation. |
Package | The source code that makes up an app. For more information, see Packages in the CAPI documentation. |
Build | Staging the app. Creating a build combines a Package with a Buildpack and builds it into an executable resource, called a Droplet. For more information, see Builds in the CAPI documentation. |
Droplet | An executable resource that results from a Build. For more information, see Droplet in the CAPI documentation. |
Manifest | A file used when pushing your app to apply bulk configuration to an app and its underlying processes. For more information, see Space Manifest in the CAPI documentation. |
Example Workflows
The following sections describe example workflows for working with the cf push
sub-step commands.
Push an App Using Sub-Step Commands
This example workflow describes how to push an app using sub-step commands instead of cf push
Create your app with cf CLI:
cf create-app APP-NAME
is the name you give your app. -
From your app directory, create a package for your app.
cf create-package APP-NAME
is the name of your app. -
Locate and copy the
package guid
from the output of an earlier step or by using thecf packages
command. See the following example output:Uploading and creating bits package for app APP-NAME in org test / space test as admin... package guid: 0dfca85a-8ed4-4f00-90d0-3ab08852dba8 OK
Stage the package you created:
cf stage-package APP-NAME --package-guid PACKAGE-GUID
is the name of your app.PACKAGE-GUID
is the package GUID you recorded in an earlier step.
Locate and copy the
droplet guid
from the output of an earlier step or by using thecf droplets
command. See the following example output:Staging package for APP-NAME in org test / space test as admin... ... Package staged droplet guid: f60d3464-415a-4202-9d40-26a70373a487 state: staged created: Mon 25 Sep 16:37:45 PDT 2018
Assign the droplet to your app:
cf set-droplet APP-NAME DROPLET-GUID
is the name of your app.DROPLET-GUID
is the droplet GUID you recorded in an earlier step.
Start your app:
cf start APP-NAME
is the name of your app.
Roll Back to a Previous Droplet
This example workflow describes how to roll back to a previous droplet used by your app. You may want to use this, for example, if you update your app and it has a bug that causes it to crash.
List the droplets for your app:
cf droplets APP-NAME
is the name of your app. -
From the output, locate and copy the second-to-last GUID. In the following example, this is
.Listing droplets of app APP-NAME in org test / space test as admin... guid state created 66524145-5502-40e6-b782-47fe68e13c49 staged Mon 25 Sep 16:37:34 PDT 2018 0677ad93-9f77-4aaa-9a6b-44da022dcd58 staged Mon 25 Sep 16:44:55 PDT 2018
Stop your app:
cf stop APP-NAME
If you wish to avoid incurring downtime when changing your droplet, consider using Rolling deployemnts instead of stopping and starting your app.
Set the app to use the previous droplet:
is the name of your app.PREVIOUS-DROPLET-GUID
is the droplet GUID you recorded in an earlier step.
Start your app:
cf start APP-NAME
is the name of your app.
Downloading and uploading droplets
This example workflow describes how to download a built droplet and then push it to an app. You might want to use this for building apps in one location and then deploying it elsewhere. For instance, you might use this to “promote” built apps from pre-production environments to production environments, without having to re-build the app.
Download the current droplet for your app:
cf download-droplet APP-NAME --path PATH
is the name of your app andPATH
is the file path to download the droplet to. -
Log in to the desired Cloud Foundry environment and target the organization and space where you want to run the droplet you downloaded.
Push a new or existing app with the downloaded droplet:
cf push APP-NAME --droplet PATH
is the name of your app andPATH
is the file path to the downloaded droplet.
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