Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 4.0

Service Instance sharing

Last Updated March 13, 2025

You can allow instances of your services to be shared across spaces and orgs within TAS for VMs. This allows apps running in different spaces and orgs to use the same service instance.

If you have Space Developer permissions in the space where the service instance was created, you are responsible for sharing, unsharing, updating, and deleting the service instance.

For more information about the developer and administrator tasks related to service instance sharing, see Sharing Service Instances.

Enabling service instance sharing

Service brokers must explicitly activate service instance sharing by setting a flag in their service-level metadata object. This allows service instances, of any service plan, to be shared across orgs and spaces. The "shareable" flag must be set to true in the service-level metadata to activate service instance sharing. If the flag is set to false or is absent, sharing is deactivated.

This is an example catalog:

      "name": "example-service",
      "metadata": {
         "shareable": true

Binding permissions based on instance sharing

When a service instance is created in one space and shared into another, you can bind your apps to the service instance from both spaces.

You might want to have the service broker return credentials with different permissions depending on which space an app is bound from. For example, a messaging service can permit writes from the originating space and only reads from any spaces that the service is shared into.

To determine whether the space of the app is the same as the originating space of the service instance, the service broker can compare the context.space_guid and bind_resource.space_guid fields in the binding request. The context.space_guid field represents the space where the service instance was created, and bind_resource.space_guid represents the space of the app involved in the binding.

Security considerations

You must consider the following before enabling service instance sharing:

  • Service keys can only be generated if you have access to the space where the service instance was created. This verifies that only developers with access to this space have visibility into where and how many times the service instance is used. It is not possible to distinguish between service keys created when targeting the originating space and those created when targeting the space where the instance has been shared to. Also, unsharing an instance from a space will not delete any service keys.

  • Consider the impact of giving out excessive permissions for service bindings, especially bindings that originate from spaces that the service instance has been shared into. For example, a messaging service can permit writes from the originating space and only reads from any shared spaces. For more information, see Binding Permissions Based on Instance Sharing.

  • You should generate unique credentials for each binding. This ensures that developers can unshare a service instance at any time. Unsharing an instance deletes any service bindings and revokes access for those credentials. Unsharing an instance prevents unauthorized future access from developers and apps that saved the credentials that they were previously provided using the service binding.

  • Consider the impact of a service instance dashboard being accessed by users of shared service instances. If authenticating through SSO, see Dashboard Single Sign-On.