Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 4.0

Configuring App Accelerators on TAS Portal (beta)

Last Updated March 13, 2025

You can configure the App Accelerators on the Tanzu Application Service Portal (TAS Portal). This article tells you how.

On the TAS Portal, you can:

  • Activate an App Accelerator
  • Change instance memory
  • Provide a Backstage user configuration. This is done using a YAML file that can extend or overwrite existing settings.

In the beta implementation, three App Accelerators are available. You cannot add or delete App Accelerators in this beta release.

  • Node Express
  • Spring Cloud Serverless
  • Steeltoe Weather Forecast


Before configuring and using App Accelerators, you must:

  • Install the TAS Portal app. See Deploy TAS Portal.
  • Verify that the tas-portal application is deployed under the system space of the system org.

Configure Backstage

First, configure Backstage using the instructions in Getting Started. All parts of the app-config.yaml configuration can be extended or replaced using the TAS Portal section of Tanzu Operations Manager, in User Configuration input.

For Backstage configuration instructions, see:

For Backstage resources, see:

Configure TAS Developer Portal and App Accelerators

  1. In Tanzu Operations Manager, on the TAS for VMs tile, click the Settings tab.

  2. On the left panel, click TAS Portal.

  3. To activate the App Accelerator, click the Use App Accelerator check box.

  4. In TAS Portal memory usage, enter a value. The minimum is 512 MB.

  5. You configure Backstage using a YAML file. A typical application is to provide access to a private repository. For example:

        - host: gitlab.eng.vmware.com
          apiBaseUrl: https://gitlab.eng.vmware.com/api/v4
          # To provision a Personal Access Token, see: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html
          token: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}

    Where: GITLAB token can be created by running cf set-env tas-portal GITLAB_TOKEN "secret-token"

    Caution New configuration is added to the end of the command line, so it overwrites or extends all other configuration.

  6. To apply the settings, run cf restage tas-portal.

View app accelerators

If you activated App Accelerators when configuring TAS Portal, you can see them in Component, in the Overview tab.

The three default App Accelerators are shown:

  • Node Express
  • Spring Cloud Serverless
  • Steeltoe Weather Forecast