The following describes how you can generate an access token to connect Spring Application Advisor to the Tanzu Platform Self-Managed.
When you install Tanzu Platform Self-Managed, a private key, public key, and org ID are generated for service to service authentication.
To generate an access token for Spring Application Advisor,
Copy the following contents into a file named
.#!/bin/bash KEY_FILE="" TOKEN_GENERATOR_JAR="" ACCESS_KEY_NAME="sm-test-key-$((1 + $RANDOM % 100))" ORGID="" if [ -z "TOKEN_GENERATOR_JAR" ] then echo -n "[ERROR] \$TOKEN_GENERATOR_JAR is empty. Please edit the script and set a valid path" exit else echo "\$TOKEN_GENERATOR_JAR is configured [OK]" command -v -- "jq" &> /dev/null || echo "FATAL: Please install jq or remove jq from the last line in the file" echo -n " === Getting lemans-resources pod name: " POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=lemans-resources -o name | head -n1) echo $POD if [ -z "$ORGID" ] then echo -n " === \$ORGID is empty. Getting default org id: " ORGID=$(kubectl exec $POD -- grep defaultOrgId /opt/le-mans/sm/smConfigFile | cut -d "=" -f 2) echo $ORGID else echo "\$ORGID is NOT empty" fi echo " === Downloading private key from the pod" kubectl exec $POD -- cat /run/auth/ssl/private.pem > $KEY_FILE #| tee $KEY_FILE echo " === Generating Tanzu Platform SM service token" SM_TOKEN=$(java -jar $TOKEN_GENERATOR_JAR --privateKeyFilePath=$KEY_FILE --defaultOrgId=$ORGID --tokenExpiryInSec=720000) echo $SM_TOKEN echo echo " === Generating access token" CMD=$(cat <<EOF curl -s -X POST 'http://localhost:8000/le-mans/v2/resources/access-keys' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer $SM_TOKEN' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "name": "$ACCESS_KEY_NAME", "orgId": "$ORGID", "createdBy": "" }' EOF ) kubectl exec $POD -- bash -c "$CMD" | jq fi done
Edit the script file and set the value for the
using the file location of thesmTokenGenerator.jar
of your Tanzu Platform distribution.The script uses the default organization that is configured for the Tanzu Platform. However, if you require to send information of a different organization, set a value for
with the identifier of your preferred organization. -
Run the following commands in the Kubernetes environment where you have deployed Tanzu Platform.
chmod u+x ./
Copy and reference the printed access token from the Spring Application Advisor server component.
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