This topic tells you how to deploy a ready-made Where for Dinner?
example application into a Kubernetes Space.
In the Create an application environment using Spaces topic, you instantiated a Space from a Profile and selected where the Space should be enabled. The Space is now ready deploy an application.
Before you begin
Before you can deploy an app in a Space, you must:
Follow the steps in Create an application environment using Spaces to create a Space in which to deploy your application.
Set up the Tanzu CLI:
Install the Tanzu CLI
plug-in group by running:tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tanzu/app-developer
Log in to Tanzu CLI by running:
tanzu login
Clone the application Git repository
Clone the Git repository containing the Where for Dinner?
Clone the the repository by running:
git clone
Go to the repository directory by running:
cd application-accelerator-samples
Check out the
branch by running:git checkout wfd-spaces-ga
Go to the directory that contains the application resources by running:
cd where-for-dinner
Deploy the Where for Dinner? example application in your Space
To deploy the pre-built Where for Dinner
application to the Space:
Set your active project to the project you created in Create a Tanzu CLI context for Tanzu Platform and your project by running:
tanzu project use
Set your active Space to the Space to use for your deployment by running:
tanzu space use
Deploy all of the application’s resources by running:
tanzu deploy --from-build demo-prebuilt
flag is used to reference prebuilt container images. If you do not pass the--from-build
flag then you build new container images for each microservice (ContainerApp) in thewhere-for-dinner
repository instead. -
Access the
Where for Dinner?
example application in a browser:- In the Tanzu Platform UI, navigate to Spaces > Overview.
- Click the name of the Space to which you deployed the
Where for Dinner?
application. - Click the Space URL.
The topology graph for the application uses the service mesh components to generate the topology. This requires traffic to be generated within the application for the full application topology to appear.
View the application
To view the Where for Dinner?
example application and information about the application and Space you can use the Tanzu Platform UI or the Tanzu CLI.
- Tanzu Platform UI
- Do the following in the Tanzu Platform UI:
- In the Tanzu Platform UI, navigate to Spaces > Overview.
- Click the name of the Space in which you deployed the application.
- Click the Applications tab to view a table of the application components.
- Click any application component, such as
, to open a detailed page with information about the status, application build information, running application instances, environment variables, requested resources, and bound services. - Click the Services tab to view a list of all the services for the application and what they are bound to.
- Click the Ingress tab to view the ingress rules associated with the application.
- Click the Egress tab to view the egress rules associated with the application.
- Click the Network Topology tab for a visualization of the network topology that traffic generates in the application.
- Click the Space Configuration tab to view and edit the configuration of the Space.
- Using the Tanzu CLI
- To use the Tanzu CLI to see more details about your application:
List all applications deployed to your Space by running:
tanzu app list
Example output:
NAME CONTENT INSTANCES(RUNNING/REQUESTED) BINDINGS(BOUND/REQUESTED) STATUS where-for-dinner-search git:f4672da @ 2024-05-10T12:34:21Z 1/(not requested)* 2/2 Running where-for-dinner-ui git:f4672da @ 2024-05-10T12:34:21Z 1/(not requested)* 0/0 Running where-for-dinner-notify git:f4672da @ 2024-05-10T12:34:21Z 1/(not requested)* 1/1 Running where-for-dinner-crawler git:f4672da @ 2024-05-10T12:34:21Z 1/(not requested)* 0/0 Running where-for-dinner-search-proc git:f4672da @ 2024-05-10T12:34:21Z 1/(not requested)* 1/1 Running where-for-dinner-availability git:f4672da @ 2024-05-10T12:34:21Z 1/(not requested)* 2/2 Running
Get details about a specific application deployed to your Space by running:
tanzu app get where-for-dinner-crawler
Example output:
Overview Name: where-for-dinner-crawler Description: <empty> Status: Running Ports: <empty> App Details Summary: git:f4672da @ 2024-05-10T12:34:21Z Built At: 2024-05-10T12:34:21Z Image: Git: Version: 20240717.1459.59814 Contact Resources RESOURCE PER-APP-INSTANCE TOTAL(CONSUMED) cpu 300m 600m memory 1Gi 2Gi Availability Targets Name: App instances Requested instances: not set (2 running)* Configuration Environment Variables: -Dserver.port=8080
List all services in your Space by running:
tanzu service list
Example output:
In space: NAME CONNECTOR BINDING TYPE BOUND TO MySQLInstance/where-for-dinner-mysql main mysql 2 apps RabbitmqCluster/where-for-dinner-rabbitmq main rabbitmq 4 apps
Get details about a specific service in your Space by running:
tanzu service get MySQLInstance/where-for-dinner-mysql
Example output:
Name: MySQLInstance/where-for-dinner-mysql Binding Connectors: main: Type: mysql MySQLInstance type spec: KEY VALUE compositeDeletePolicy Background storageGB 1 Bound Apps: NAME CONNECTOR ALIAS ContainerApp/where-for-dinner-search main db ContainerApp/where-for-dinner-availability main db
What you can do now
You can now:
Learn more about the ContainerApp:
Learn more about the ContainerApp by reading What is a ContainerApp?.
Increase application resilience:
Deploying an application to a single Availability Target and replica doesn’t provide production-level resilience to failures. You can add redundancy to your application by increasing replicas or spanning across regions. For more information, see increasing application resilience.
Clean up the environment:
If you want to stop here, you can clean up the environment by following the steps in Cleaning up the application environment resources.
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