Tanzu Platform 10.0

Clean up the application environment resources

Last Updated March 03, 2025

This topic tells you how to remove all the resources that were created during the setup of the infrastructure and the application environment. The clean-up includes the following resources:

  • Space
  • Cluster

    The process also deletes the monitoring resources that were created.

Delete a Space

Deleting a Space will delete all the application resources within the Space, including any applications and dependent resources such as Route53 records.

You can delete a Space using either the Tanzu Platform UI or the Tanzu CLI.

UI-based steps
  1. Navigate to Application Platform > Application Engine > Spaces on the left hand navigation.
  2. Click the three dots next to the Space you wish to delete.
  3. Select Delete Space.
  4. Enter the name of the Space to confirm the delete.
  5. Click Delete.
Tanzu CLI-based steps
Use the following Tanzu CLI command to delete the Space from the project.
tanzu space delete <space name>

Delete an application

Deleting an application deletes the application itself and all of the related resources that were created during the build. The related resources vary according to the type of runtime, for example:

  • For a kubernetes-carvel-package runtime, the related resources are Package, PackageInstall, and the Secret for configuring the PackageInstall.
  • For a kubernetes-fluxcd-helm-chart runtime, the related resources are HelmRepository, HelmRelease, and Secret.

You can delete an application by using either the Tanzu Platform UI or the Tanzu CLI.

UI-based steps
  1. Navigate to Application Spaces > Spaces on the left hand navigation.
  2. Select the Space in which the application is deployed and open the Space details.
  3. Select to the Applications Tab.
  4. Click Delete in the top right corner.
  5. Enter the name of the application to confirm the deletion.
Tanzu CLI-based steps
Use the following Tanzu CLI command to delete the application from the Space.
tanzu app delete <app name>