Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 4.0

Cloud Native Buildpacks overview (beta)

Last Updated March 13, 2025

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) introduces a new slate of buildpacks, based on the Cloud Native Buildpack project, that are installed with TAS for VMs and managed by the Tanzu Application Service tile. These buildpacks are still in beta and have some limitations. For details, see Limitations of Beta release.

Caution VMware does not recommend using these buildpacks in production at this time.

Here is the list of supported Cloud Native Buildpacks.

Name Supported languages, frameworks, and technologies GitHub repository
Web Servers NGINX, HTTPD, and Frontend JavaScript Paketo Web Servers CNB

Removing the beta Cloud Native Buildpacks

For operators who do not wish to give developers access to the beta Cloud Native Buildpacks, they can make the change using the cf CLI with admin access:

  cf update-buildpack web_servers_cnb_beta --disable

Limitations of beta release

Cloud Native Buildpacks currently have these known limitations:

  • Procfiles: Apps with Procfiles do not work correctly with the implementation of CNBs for TAS. Only the web process type is honored by Cloud Foundry. This is because the Procfile CNB, which ships as part of most meta-buildpacks (or composite buildpacks), manages the Procfile in a way that CF/Diego does not handle.
  • Service Bindings: CNBs were designed with Kubernetes secrets in mind, so service bindings, which typically contain credentials, do not work with CNB shims.