Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 6.0

Reporting app, task, and service instance usage

Last Updated March 13, 2025

You can use the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI) to retrieve historical system-level and org-level usage information about your TAS for VMs apps, tasks, and service instances through the Cloud Controller and Usage Service APIs.

Usage reports are compiled from the /v2/app_usage_events endpoint. For more information, see List all app usage events in the Cloud Foundry API documentation.

You can also access usage information by using Apps Manager. For more information, see Reporting instance usage with Apps Manager.

To retrieve current app and event information from the Cloud Controller, see Retrieving app and event information in the open-source Cloud Foundry documentation.


Before using the procedures in this topic, ensure that your user is a member of the cloud_controller.admin or usage_service.audit group. For example, a UAAC admin can add a user to the usage_service.audit group with the following command:

uaac member add usage_service.audit USERNAME

Obtain system usage information

You can obtain the following system-wide usage information:

App usage

Use curl to make a request to /system_report/app_usages on the Usage Service endpoint to show system-wide app usage data:

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/system_report/app_usages" -k -v \
-H "authorization: `cf oauth-token`"
"report_time": "2017-04-11 22:28:24 UTC",
"monthly_reports": [
      "month": 4,
      "year": 2017,
      "average_app_instances": 17855.256153713308,
      "maximum_app_instances": 18145,
      "app_instance_hours": 4686533.080277303
"yearly_reports": [
      "year": 2017,
      "average_app_instances": 16184.9,
      "maximum_app_instances": 18145,
      "app_instance_hours": 39207433.0802773

The table below describes the data generated by this report:

ValueCalculation Method
app_instance_hoursThe total number of hours app instances have been running on the foundation for the month or year.
average_app_instancesThe total app_instance_hours on the foundation for the month or year divided by the total hours for that time period.
Example: For the month of January, 100 apps run for 300 hours each, generating a value of 30000 for app_instance_hours. When divided by 744, the total number of hours in January, you get a value of 40.3 for average_app_instances.
Notice: That average_app_instances is calculated against the current running hours. This is most relevant when checking the report for the current month. If you look at the report_time in the example above, you’ll see that the report was run on the 11th of April. Having a value of 4686533.080277303 for app_instance_hours when divided by 262.467, approximately the total number of hours for the first 11 days of April, you get an approx. value of 17855 for average_app_instances.
maximum_app_instancesThe highest concurrent number of app instances running on the foundation for the month or year.

Task usage

Use curl to make a request to /system_report/task_usages on the Usage Service endpoint to show system-wide task usage data:

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/system_report/task_usages" -k -v \
-H "authorization: `cf oauth-token`"
"report_time": "2017-04-11T22:33:48.971Z",
"monthly_reports": [
      "month": 4,
      "year": 2017,
      "total_task_runs": 235,
      "maximum_concurrent_tasks": 7,
      "task_hours": 43045.201944444445
"yearly_reports": [
      "year": 2017,
      "total_task_runs": 2894,
      "maximum_concurrent_tasks": 184,
      "task_hours": 45361.26694444445

Service usage

Use curl to make a request to /system_report/service_usages on the Usage Service endpoint to show system-wide service usage data:

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/system_report/service_usages" -k -v \
-H "authorization: `cf oauth-token`"
  "report_time": "2017-05-11 18:29:14 UTC",
  "monthly_service_reports": [
      "service_name": "fake-service-0507f1fd-2340-49a6-9d43-a347a5f5f6be",
      "service_guid": "177dcfde-cd51-4058-bd86-b98015c295f5",
      "usages": [
          "month": 1,
          "year": 2017,
          "duration_in_hours": 0,
          "average_instances": 0,
          "maximum_instances": 0
          "month": 2,
          "year": 2017,
          "duration_in_hours": 0,
          "average_instances": 0,
          "maximum_instances": 0
          "month": 3,
          "year": 2017,
          "duration_in_hours": 4.182222222222227,
          "average_instances": 0,
          "maximum_instances": 2
          "month": 4,
          "year": 2017,
          "duration_in_hours": 2176.962222222186,
          "average_instances": 3,
          "maximum_instances": 7
          "month": 5,
          "year": 2017,
          "duration_in_hours": 385.61388888888854,
          "average_instances": 1.5,
          "maximum_instances": 3
      "plans": [
          "usages": [
              "month": 1,
              "year": 2017,
              "duration_in_hours": 0,
              "average_instances": 0,
              "maximum_instances": 0
              "month": 2,
              "year": 2017,
              "duration_in_hours": 0,
              "average_instances": 0,
              "maximum_instances": 0
              "month": 3,
              "year": 2017,
              "duration_in_hours": 4.182222222222227,
              "average_instances": 0,
              "maximum_instances": 2
              "month": 4,
              "year": 2017,
              "duration_in_hours": 1465.6388888888941,
              "average_instances": 2,
              "maximum_instances": 5
              "month": 5,
              "year": 2017,
              "duration_in_hours": 385.61388888888854,
              "average_instances": 1.5,
              "maximum_instances": 3
          "service_plan_name": "fake-plan",
          "service_plan_guid": "ac09f607-f4e5-4807-af16-e95856061bd7"

All orgs usage

The app_usages endpoint directly under your system domain returns system-wide app usage for all orgs that you have access to. The command works like the org-specific App Usage command, except you do not supply an org GUID. You can set order_by to either total_instance_hours or megabyte_hours.

The order_by ordering defaults to ascending, which lists orgs with the most usage at the end of the output. To change the sort ordering to descending, prepend the order_by argument with a -, as in order_by=-megabyte_hours.

Use curl to make a request to /app_usages on the Usage Service endpoint to show system-wide organization usage data:

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/app_usages?start=2018-010-01&end=2018-11-01&order_by=total_instance_hours" -k -v \
-H "authorization: `cf oauth-token`"

Obtain org usage information

You can obtain the following org-specific usage information:

You must have the GUID of the org you want to obtain information about to perform the procedures in this section. To retrieve your org GUID, run the cf org command:

$ cf org YOUR-ORG --guid

App usage

Use curl to make a request to /app_usages on the Usage Service endpoint to show app usage in an org. You must complete the placeholders in start=YYYY-MM-DD&end=YYYY-MM-DD to define a date range.

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/organizations/YOUR-ORG-GUID/app_usages?start=YYYY-MM-DD&end=YYYY-MM-DD" \
-k -v \
-H "authorization: `cf oauth-token`"

  "organization_guid": "88e485fa-2222-4993-8ef5-bac3711adfee",
  "period_start": "2019-01-16T00:00:00Z",
  "period_end": "2019-01-17T23:59:59Z",
  "app_usages": [
      "space_guid": "d6988d4d-6175-4dee-b219-a6eabbc05514",
      "space_name": "development",
      "app_name": "static2",
      "app_guid": "1afc2b20-dd41-4ba4-8e6e-c894b5a2cb23",
      "parent_application_name": "static2",
      "parent_application_guid": "1afc2b20-dd41-4ba4-8e6e-c894b5a2cb23",
      "instance_count": 1,
      "memory_in_mb_per_instance": 1024,
      "duration_in_seconds": 172800
      "space_guid": "d6988d4d-6175-4dee-b219-a6eabbc05514",
      "space_name": "development",
      "app_name": "static",
      "app_guid": "54e767ff-4f83-45b1-bf06-46c501217845",
      "parent_application_name": "static",
      "parent_application_guid": "54e767ff-4f83-45b1-bf06-46c501217845",
      "instance_count": 1,
      "memory_in_mb_per_instance": 1024,
      "duration_in_seconds": 172800

You might see results with "instance_count": 0. This happens when a v3 app is pushed but has processes that are not scaled up. The memory configuration and duration are still stored and can be useful for resource management. Apps with ‘0’ instances are not counted in the App Usages System Report.

Task usage

Use curl to make a request to /task_usages on the Usage Service endpoint to show task usage in an org. You must complete the placeholders in start=YYYY-MM-DD&end=YYYY-MM-DD to define a date range.

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/organizations/YOUR-ORG-GUID/task_usages?start=YYYY-MM-DD&end=YYYY-MM-DD" \
-k -v \
-H "authorization: `cf oauth-token`"
     "organization_guid": "8f88362f-547c-4158-808b-4605468387d5",
     "period_start": "2014-01-01",
     "period_end": "2017-04-04",
     "spaces": {
       "e6445eb3-fdac-4049-bafc-94d1703d5e78": {
         "space_name": "smoketest",
         "task_summaries": [
             "parent_application_guid": "04cd29d5-1f9e-4900-ac13-2e903f6582a9",
             "parent_application_name": "task-dummy-app",
             "memory_in_mb_per_instance": 256,
             "task_count_for_range": 54084,
             "concurrent_task_count_for_range": 5,
             "total_duration_in_seconds_for_range": 37651415
       "b66665e4-873f-4482-acf1-89307ba9c6e4": {
         "space_name": "smoketest-experimental",
         "task_summaries": [
             "parent_application_guid": "d941b689-4a27-44ec-91d3-1f97434dbed9",
             "parent_application_name": "console-blue",
             "memory_in_mb_per_instance": 256,
             "task_count_for_range": 14,
             "concurrent_task_count_for_range": 2,
             "total_duration_in_seconds_for_range": 20583

In the /task_usages endpoint, memory_in_mb_per_instance is the memory of the task.

Service usage

Use curl to make a request to /service_usages on the Usage Service endpoint to show service usage in an org. You must complete the placeholders in start=YYYY-MM-DD&end=YYYY-MM-DD to define a date range.

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/organizations/`cf org YOUR-ORG --guid`/service_usages?start=YYYY-MM-DD&end=YYYY-MM-DD" -k -v -H "authorization: `cf oauth-token`"
     "organization_guid": "8d83362f-587a-4148-806b-4407428887b5",
     "period_start": "2016-06-01T00:00:00Z",
     "period_end": "2016-06-13T23:59:59Z",
     "service_usages": [
          "deleted": false,
          "duration_in_seconds": 1377982.52,
          "service_guid": "02802293-b769-44cc-807f-eee331ba9b2b",
          "service_instance_creation": "2016-01-20T18:48:16.000Z",
          "service_instance_deletion": null,
          "service_instance_guid": "b25b4481-19aa-4504-82c9-f303e7e9ed6e",
          "service_instance_name": "something-usage-db",
          "service_instance_type": "managed_service_instance",
          "service_name": "my-mysql-service",
          "service_plan_guid": "70915a70-7311-4f3e-ab0d-4a7dfd3ef2d9",
          "service_plan_name": "20gb",
          "space_guid": "e6445eb3-fdac-4049-bafc-94d1703d5e78",
          "space_name": "outer-space"

Usage availability

The app, task, and service instance usage data returned from the Usage Service is delayed to ensure accuracy. The /usage_availability endpoint can be used to retrieve the date which the Usage Service data is accurate to. The Usage Service is able to provide data for time periods up to and including this date.

Use the following curl command to retrieve the current usage availability timestamp:

curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/usage_availability" -k -v

Where YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN is the system domain of your VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) environment.

Monitor usage service

VMware recommends monitoring usage service at regular intervals with a recurring CI task or third-party monitoring tool. Usage service runs asynchronous jobs such as fetching usage events from the Cloud Controller API.

Use the following curl command to check for failed jobs:

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/heartbeat/failed_jobs" -k -v

By default, the error_threshold is set to 1 and the command does the following:

  • Succeeds with HTTP status 200 if the number of failed jobs is lower than the threshold
  • Fails with HTTP status 500 if it exceeds the threshold

The following example specifies a threshold value:

$ curl "https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN/heartbeat/failed_jobs?error_threshold=5" -k -v

Usage data retention

Usage service retains all summarized monthly data and never deletes it. The following endpoints return data for all years:

  • /system_report/app_usages
  • /system_report/task_usages
  • /system_report/service_usages

For examples of how to curl these endpoints, see Obtain system usage information.

Usage service deletes old records of granular data, such as usage per app, per day. By default, granular data is deleted after 365 days, so the following endpoints return data for the last 365 days. The retention period is configurable in the Advanced Features pane of the TAS for VMs tile.

These endpoints return granular data:

  • /organizations/ORG-GUID/app_usages
  • /organizations/ORG-GUID/task_usages
  • /organizations/ORG-GUID/service_usages
  • /app_usages

Example: Autogenerated database usage reports

For security compliance and record keeping, some Operations Manager customers create Concourse CI/CD pipelines that regularly run JavaScript scripts to do the following:

  1. Call the app-usage APIs in the previous sections of this topic, and the Security event logging topic, to collect data about service instances from an Operations Manager foundation. This data includes database instance information such as tile or database type, database creator, and date of creation or deletion.

  2. Merge and format the data about services instances into a JSON output file and save it to an S3 bucket.

  3. Input the file to another process that does the following:

    1. Parses the data.
    2. Eliminates duplicate entries from previous reports.
    3. Sends the data to a database compliance system through APIs.