In this section:
- Learning about Apps Manager
- Getting started with Apps Manager
- Logging in to Apps Manager
- Managing orgs and spaces using Apps Manager
- Managing your user roles with Apps Manager
- Adding and binding services using Apps Manager
- Managing your apps and service instances using Apps Manager
- Viewing your ASGs in Apps Manager
- Configuring your Spring Boot Actuator endpoints for Apps Manager
- Using Spring Boot Actuators with Apps Manager
- Configuring multi-foundation support in Apps Manager
- Scaling an app using App Autoscaler
- About App Autoscaler
- Scaling an app Using App Autoscaler
- Using the App Autoscaler CLI
- Using the App Autoscaler API
- Using CPU Entitlement Utilization as a scaling metric
- Using HTTP Latency as a scaling metric
- Using RabbitMQ Queue Depth as a scaling metric
- Using custom scaling metrics
- Tutorial: Scaling a Spring app using a custom scaling metric
- Scheduled limit changes
- Using App Autoscaler in production
- Operating App Autoscaler
- Using debug logs for App Autoscaler
- Troubleshooting App Autoscaler
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