Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 6.0

Security event logging

Last Updated March 13, 2025

Here you can learn how to activate and interpret security event logging for the Cloud Controller, the User Account and Authentication (UAA) server, and CredHub. You can use these logs to retrieve information about a subset of requests to the Cloud Controller, UAA server, and CredHub for security or compliance purposes.

Cloud Controller logging

The Cloud Controller logs security events to syslog. You must configure a syslog drain to forward your system logs to a log management service.

For more information, see Configuring System Logging in TAS for VMs.

Formatting log entries

Cloud Controller logs security events in the Common Event Format (CEF). CEF specifies the following format for log entries:

CEF:Version|Device Vendor|Device Product|Device Version|Signature ID|Name|Severity|Extension

Entries in the Cloud Controller log use the following format:

cs1Label=userAuthenticationMechanism cs1=AUTH_MECHANISM
cs2Label=vcapRequestId cs2=VCAP_REQUEST_ID request=REQUEST
requestMethod=REQUEST_METHOD cs3Label=result cs3=RESULT
cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=HTTP_STATUS_CODE src=SOURCE_ADDRESS

See the following list for a description of the properties shown in the Cloud Controller log format:

  • CEF_VERSION: The version of CEF used in the logs.
  • CC_API_VERSION: The current Cloud Controller API version.
  • SIGNATURE_ID: The method and path of the request. For example, GET /v2/app:GUID.
  • NAME: The same as SIGNATURE_ID.
  • SEVERITY: An integer that reflects the importance of the event.
  • TIMESTAMP: The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
  • USERNAME: The name of the user who originated the request.
  • USER_GUID: The GUID of the user who originated the request.
  • AUTH_MECHANISM: The user authentication mechanism. This can be oauth-access-token, basic-auth, or no-auth.
  • VCAP_REQUEST_ID: The VCAP request ID of the request.
  • REQUEST: The request path and parameters. For example, /v2/info?MY-PARAM=VALUE.
  • REQUEST_METHOD. The method of the request. For example, GET.
  • RESULT: The meaning of the HTTP status code of the response. For example, success.
  • HTTP_STATUS_CODE. The HTTP status code of the response. For example, 200.
  • SOURCE_ADDRESS: The IP address of the client who originated the request.
  • DESTINATION_ADDRESS: The IP address of the Cloud Controller VM.
  • X_FORWARDED_FOR_HEADER: The contents of the X-Forwarded-For header of the request. This is empty if the header is not present.

Examples of log entries

The following list provides several example requests with the corresponding Cloud Controller log entries.

  • An anonymous GET request:

    CEF:0|cloud_foundry|cloud_controller_ng|2.54.0|GET /v2/info|GET
    /v2/info|0|rt=1460690037402 suser= suid= request=/v2/info
    requestMethod=GET src= dst=
    cs1Label=userAuthenticationMechanism cs1=no-auth cs2Label=vcapRequestId
    cs2=c4bac383-7cc9-4d9f-b1c0-1iq8c0baa000 cs3Label=result cs3=success
    cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=200 cs5Label=xForwardedFor
  • A GET request with basic authentication:

    CEF:0|cloud_foundry|cloud_controller_ng|2.54.0|GET /v2/syslog_drain_urls|GET
    /v2/syslog_drain_urls|0|rt=1460690165743 suser=bulk_api suid=
    request=/v2/syslog_drain_urls?batch_size\=1000 requestMethod=GET
    src= dst= cs1Label=userAuthenticationMechanism
    cs1=basic-auth cs2Label=vcapRequestId cs2=79187189-e810-33dd-6911-b5d015bbc999
    ::eat1234d-4004-4622-ad11-9iaai88e3ae9 cs3Label=result cs3=success
    cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=200 cs5Label=xForwardedFor cs5=
  • A GET request with OAuth access token authentication:

    CEF:0|cloud_foundry|cloud_controller_ng|2.54.0|GET /v2/routes|GET
    /v2/routes|0|rt=1460689904925 suser=admin suid=c7ca208f-8a9e-4aab-
    92f5-28795f86d62a request=/v2/routes?inline-relations-depth\=1&q\=
    requestMethod=GET src= dst=
    cs1Label=userAuthenticationMechanism cs1=oauth-access-token
    cs2Label=vcapRequestId cs2=79187189-990i-8930-52b2-9090b2c5poz0
    ::5a265621-b223-4520-afae-ab7d0ee7c75b cs3Label=result cs3=success
    cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=200 cs5Label=xForwardedFor cs5=
  • A GET request that results in a 404 error:

    CEF:0|cloud_foundry|cloud_controller_ng|2.54.0|GET /v2/apps/7f310103-
    39aa-4a8c-b92a-9ff8a6a2fa6b|GET /v2/apps/7f310103-39aa-4a8c-b92a-
    9ff8a6a2fa6b|0|rt=1460691002394 suser=bob suid=a00i2026-55io-3983-
    555o-40e611410aec request=/v2/apps/7f310103-39aa-4a8c-b92a-9ff8a6a2fa6b
    requestMethod=GET src= dst=
    cs1Label=userAuthenticationMechanism cs1=oauth-access-token cs2Label=vcapRequestId
    cs3Label=result cs3=clientError cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=404
    cs5Label=xForwardedFor cs5=
  • A POST request that results in a 403 error:

    CEF:0|cloud_foundry|cloud_controller_ng|2.54.0|POST /v2/apps|POST
    /v2/apps|0|rt=1460691405564 suser=bob suid=4f9a33f9-fb13-4774-a708-
    f60c939625cd request=/v2/apps?async\=true requestMethod=POST
    src= dst= cs1Label=userAuthenticationMechanism
    cs1=oauth-access-token cs2Label=vcapRequestId cs2=booc03111-9999-4003-88ab-
    20i9r33333ou::5a4993fc-722f-48bc-aff4-99b2005i9bb5 cs3Label=result
    cs3=clientError cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=403 cs5Label=xForwardedFor

UAA logging

UAA logs security events to a file located at /var/vcap/sys/log/uaa/uaa.log on the UAA virtual machine (VM). Because these logs are rotated, you must configure a syslog drain to forward your system logs to a log management service.

For more information, see Configuring System Logging in TAS for VMs.

Log Events

UAA logs identify the following categories of events:

  • Authorization and Password Events
  • SCIM Administration Events
  • Token Events
  • Client Administration Events
  • UAA Administration Events

To learn more about the names of the events included in these categories and the information they record in the UAA logs, see User Account and Authentication Service Audit Requirements.

Examples of log entries

The following sections provide several example requests with the corresponding UAA log entries.

Successful user authentication

Audit: TokenIssuedEvent ('["openid","scim.read","uaa.user",
"scim.write"]'): principal=a42026d6-5533-1884-eef2-838abcd0i3e3,
origin=[client=cf, user=bob], identityZoneId=[uaa]
  • This entry records a TokenIssuedEvent.
  • UAA issued a token associated with the scopes "openid","scim.read","uaa.user", "cloud_controller.read","password.write","cloud_controller.write","scim.write" to the user bob.

Failed user authentication

Audit: UserAuthenticationFailure ('bob@example.com'):
origin=[remoteAddress=, clientId=cf],
  • This entry records a UserAuthenticationFailure.
  • The user bob@example.com originating at failed to authenticate.

Successful user creation

Audit: UserCreatedEvent ('["user_id=61965469-c821-
origin=[client=cf, user=admin, details=(,
iss=https://uaa.example.com/oauth/token)], identityZoneId=[uaa]
  • This entry records a UserCreatedEvent.
  • The admin user originating at created a user named bob@example.com.

Successful user deletion

Audit: UserDeletedEvent ('["user_id=61965469-c821-
origin=[client=admin, details=(remoteAddress=,
sub=admin, iss=https://uaa.example.com/oauth/token)], identityZoneId=[uaa]
  • This entry records a UserDeletedEvent.
  • The admin user originating at deleted a user named bob@example.com.

CredHub logging

CredHub logs security events to a file located at /var/vcap/sys/log/credhub/credhub_security_events.log on the CredHub VM. Because these logs are rotated, you must configure a syslog drain to forward your system logs to a log management service.

For more information, see Configuring System Logging in TAS for VMs.

Format for Log Entries

CredHub logs security events in the Common Event Format (CEF). CEF specifies the following format for log entries:

CEF:Version|Device Vendor|Device Product|Device Version|Signature ID|Name|Severity|Extension

Entries in the CredHub log use the following format:

cs1Label=userAuthenticationMechanism cs1=AUTH_MECHANISM
request=REQUEST requestMethod=REQUEST_METHOD
cs3Label=versionUuid cs3=VERSION_UUID
cs2Label=resourceName cs2=RESOURCE_NAME
cs5Label=resourceUuid cs5=RESOURCE_UUID deviceAction=OPERATION
cs6Label=requestDetails cs6=REQUEST_DETAILS

See the following list for a description of the properties shown in the CredHub log.

  • CEF_VERSION: The version of CEF used in the logs.
  • CREDHUB_SERVER_VERSION: The current CredHub server version.
  • SIGNATURE_ID: The method and path of the request. For example, GET /v2/app:GUID.
  • NAME: The same as SIGNATURE_ID.
  • TIMESTAMP: The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
  • USERNAME: The name of the user who originated the request, as defined by UAA. In the case of mTLS, no-auth, or not defined, this value is empty.
  • USER_GUID: The “actor” identifier. For example, mtls-app:GUID. If there is no authenticated user, this value is empty.
  • AUTH_MECHANISM (cs1): The user authentication mechanism. This can be oauth-access-token, mtls-auth, or no-auth.
  • REQUEST: The request path and parameters. For example, /v2/info?MY-PARAM=VALUE.
  • REQUEST_METHOD: The method of the request. For example, GET.
  • HTTP_STATUS_CODE (cs4). The HTTP status code of the response. For example, 200.
  • SOURCE_ADDRESS: The IP address of the client who originated the request.
  • DESTINATION_ADDRESS: The IP address of the CredHub VM.
  • RESOURCE_NAME (cs2): The credential path name. For example, /my/awesome/credential.
  • RESOURCE_UUID (cs5): The top-level credential UUID. This is not the credential version.
  • VERSION_UUID (cs3): The credential version UUID.
  • OPERATION (deviceAction): The device action. The possible operations include the following:
    • get
    • set
    • generate
    • regenerate
    • bulk-regenerate
    • delete
    • find
    • get-permissions
    • add-permission
    • delete-permission
    • interpolate
    • info
    • version
    • health
    • key-usage
    • update-transitional-version
  • REQUEST_DETAILS (cs6): A JSON blob that differs per request.

The CredHub logs include descriptions for each custom label. For example, the logs include cs2Label=resourceName to define the cs2 label. The value for resourceName appears in the log next to cs2=/path/to/credential.

Example Log Entries

The following sections provide several example requests with the corresponding CredHub log entries.

Accessing a credential

CEF:0|cloud_foundry|credhub|2.0.0-beta.28|GET /api/v1/data|
GET /api/v1/data|0|rt=1530901816757
cs1=mutual_tls request=/api/v1/data?path=0b353167-0d5a-48c7-5036-7eaa
cs3Label=versionUuid cs3=null
cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=200 src= dst=credhub.service.cf.internal
cs2Label=resourceName cs2=null
cs5Label=resourceUuid cs5=null deviceAction=FIND
  • A user authenticated to the CredHub instance using mutual_tls from
  • The authenticated user accessed a CredHub credential.

Setting a credential

CEF:0|cloud_foundry|credhub|2.0.0-beta.28|PUT /api/v1/data|
PUT /api/v1/data|0|rt=1530901097921
suser=cc_service_key_client suid=uaa-client:cc_service_key_client
cs1=uaa request=/api/v1/data requestMethod=PUT
cs3Label=versionUuid cs3=32b3d5bf-463a-4045-a6b5-65c97e61059a
cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=200 src= dst=credhub.service.cf.internal
cs2Label=resourceName cs2=/1530901097842989110
cs5Label=resourceUuid cs5=ccda25c5-a40a-4512-b6f5-a42f8c3b5c4c deviceAction=SET
  • A user authenticated to the CredHub instance with UAA from
  • The authenticated user set a CredHub credential.

Generating a credential

CEF:0|cloud_foundry|credhub|2.0.0-beta.28|POST /api/v1/data|
POST /api/v1/data|0|rt=1530901403532
cs1=mutual_tls request=/api/v1/data requestMethod=POST
cs3Label=versionUuid cs3=8c21b7b3-d4bf-4d8a-a0c5-64c8c207cb40
cs4Label=httpStatusCode cs4=200 src= dst=credhub.service.cf.internal
cs2Label=resourceName cs2=/0b353167-0d5a-48c7-5036-7eaa/2
cs5Label=resourceUuid cs5=1d55cff3-5264-434c-a127-0810f341cb2b deviceAction=GENERATE
cs6Label=requestDetails cs6={"name":"/my/awesome/credential","type":"password",
  • A user authenticated to the CredHub instance using mutual_tls from
  • The authenticated user generated a password credential named /my/awesome/credential.