Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 6.0


Last Updated March 13, 2025

In the Databases pane, you can configure TAS for VMs to use an internal MySQL database provided with Operations Manager, or you can configure an external database provider for the databases required by TAS for VMs.

If you are performing an upgrade, do not modify your existing internal database configuration, or you might lose data. You must migrate your existing data first before changing the configuration. For additional upgrade information, see Upgrading Operations Manager. ## Internal system database configuration

For GCP installations, VMware recommends selecting External and using Google Cloud SQL. Only use internal MySQL for non-production or test installations on GCP.

To configure internal databases for your deployment:

  1. Under System databases location, select Internal MySQL clusters.

  2. Click Save.

To configure high availability for your internal MySQL databases, see Configure Internal MySQL.

External system database configuration

To configure external databases for your deployment:

  1. Ensure that you have a database instance with the following databases created:

    • account
    • app_usage_service
    • autoscale
    • ccdb
    • credhub
    • diego
    • locket
    • networkpolicyserver
    • nfsvolume
    • notifications
    • routing
    • silk
    • uaa

    Note The steps to create external databases vary depending on your database type. For an example procedure, see Creating databases for TAS for VMs.

  2. In the TAS for VMs tile, select Databases.

  3. Under System databases location, select External database server.

    Important If you configure external databases, you cannot configure an internal database in the UAA pane.

  4. For Hostname, enter the hostname of your external database server.

  5. The Require hostname validation check box is selected by default. When this check box is selected and you configure your external databases to communicate over TLS, TAS for VMs verifies the hostname of the external database during communication between TAS for VMs and the external database.

    CautionIf your deployment uses a GCP or Azure external database for TAS for VMs that is configured to use TLS, you must deselect the Require hostname validation check box. For more information, see Deactivate Hostname Validation for External Databases on GCP and Azure in Upgrade Preparation Checklist for Tanzu Operations Manager v2.10.

    Important The Require hostname validation check box does not affect communication between TAS for VMs components and external CredHub databases. To configure hostname validation for the CredHub external database, see Configure CredHub.

  6. For TCP port, enter the port of your external database server. If you are using GCP CloudSQL as your external database server, enter 3306.

  7. Each component that requires a relational database has two corresponding fields: one for the database user name, and one for the database password. For each set of fields, specify a unique user name that can access this specific database on the database server and a password for the provided user name.

    • Ensure that the networkpolicyserver database user has the ALL PRIVILEGES permission.
    • If CredHub uses the same database as other TAS for VMs components, you must configure the CredHub database username and CredHub database password fields.
    • If UAA uses the same database as other TAS for VMs components, you must configure the UAA database username and UAA database password fields.
    • If you are configuring an external database on GCP or Azure and want to use this database for CredHub, do not configure the CredHub database username and CredHub database password fields. Instead, you must enter these credentials in the CredHub pane of the TAS for VMs tile.
  8. (Optional) To configure your external databases to communicate over TLS, enter a CA certificate in CA certificate.

    CautionTAS for VMs does not support TLS communication for databases that do not include a matching hostname in their server certificate, such as Azure and GCP, unless you deselect the Require hostname validation check box and select the Skip hostname verification check box in the CredHub pane of the TAS for VMs tile. For more information, see the GCP documentation. To configure the Skip hostname verification check box, see Configure CredHub.

  9. Click Save.