Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 6.0

Smoke tests

Last Updated March 13, 2025

In the Smoke Tests pane, you configure where smoke tests are run. In this location, the Smoke Tests errand pushes an app to a Operations Manager org to run basic function tests against the TAS for VMs tile after an installation or update. In the Errands pane, you can choose whether or not to run the Smoke Tests errand.

To configure the Smoke Tests pane:

  1. Select Smoke Tests.

  2. In the Smoke tests location, select one of the following options to configure where TAS for VMs pushes an app to run smoke tests:

    • If you have a shared apps domain, select A temporary space within the system org. This creates a temporary space within the system org for running smoke tests and deletes the space afterwards.
    • If you do not have a shared apps domain:
      1. Select A specified domain, org, and space.
      2. For Domain, enter the domain that TAS for VMs uses when pushing an app to run smoke tests.
      3. For Org, enter the org that TAS for VMs uses when pushing an app to run smoke tests.
      4. For Space, enter the space that TAS for VMs uses when pushing an app to run smoke tests.
  3. Click Save.