Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 6.0

How to configure your app for the Web Servers buildpack (beta)

Last Updated March 13, 2025

Here you can learn how to use your NGINX, HTTPD, or frontend JavaScript app to VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) and how to configure your app to use the Web Servers buildpack. The Web Servers Buildpack is in beta, so VMware discourages use with production workloads.

Push an app onto the Web Servers Buildpack

TAS for VMs automatically uses this buildpack if it detects an nginx.conf, httpd.conf, or package.json file in the root directory of your project.

Deploy HTTPD and NGINX apps

To deploy an app, run: cf push myApp -b web_servers_cnb_beta -s cflinuxfs4

Frontend javaScript apps

This section is based on the Paketo Documentation for the Web Servers Buildpack.

  1. Before pushing the application, the app developer must first build the app’s static assets (follow steps 1-3 in the Paketo Documentation).

  2. After the static assets are built, push the static assets without starting the application:

    cf push myApp -b web_servers_cnb_beta -s cflinxufs4 --no-start
  3. Set up the correct environment variables:

    cf set-env myApp BP_NODE_RUN_SCRIPTS build
    cf set-env myApp BP_WEB_SERVER nginx
    cf set-env myApp BP_WEB_SERVER_ROOT build


    • BP_NODE_RUN_SCRIPTS is the name of the build script from the first step in the Paketo documentation.
    • BP_WEB_SERVER_ROOT is set to the build output directory.
    • BP_WEB_SERVER is set to the applicable server: HTTPD or NGINX.
  4. Start the app:

    cf start myApp

Supported versions

This version of TAS for VMs supports Web Servers CNB 0.8.0.

Help and support

Join the #buildpacks channel in our Slack community if you need help.

For more information about using and extending the Web Servers buildpack in Cloud Foundry, see the Paketo Web Servers buildpack GitHub repository.