Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 6.0

File storage

Last Updated March 13, 2025

Important Some blobstores, for example, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, do not support S3 Signature v4 Streaming. To use blobstores without S3 Signature v4 Streaming support with VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs, deselect the Signature v4 streaming check box.

For more information, see AWS-S3 Signature v4 Streaming.

In File Storage, you determine where you want to place the file storage for your Cloud Controller.

To configure the File Storage pane:

  1. Select File Storage.

  2. For Maximum valid packages per app, enter the maximum number of recent valid packages that your app can store, not including the package for the current droplet. VMware recommends using the default value of 2. However, you can lower the value if you have strict storage requirements and want to use less disk space.

  3. For Maximum staged droplets per app, enter the maximum number of recent valid droplets that your app can store, not including the package for the current droplet. VMware recommends using the default value of 2. However, you can lower the value if you have strict storage requirements and want to use less disk space.

  4. Under File storage backup level, select what you want to back up from your blobstores:

    • Complete file storage backup: Includes the entire blobstore. This includes droplets, packages, and buildpacks.
    • Exclude droplets from file storage backup: Excludes droplets from your backup. If you select this option, you must re-stage all apps during a restore.
    • Exclude droplets and packages from file storage backup: Excludes droplets and packages from your backup. If you select this option, you must re-push all apps during a restore.

    For more information about the advantages and disadvantages of excluding droplets and packages, see File storage backup level.

  5. To configure Cloud Controller filesystem, see Configuring file storage for TAS for VMs.