Here is an example procedure for creating the necessary databases on your external database instance so that you can deploy VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) with an external database.
Use a password to protect the database you use in your deployment.
Exact configurations depend on your database provider. The following example procedure is for AWS RDS:
Add the
account key pair from your IaaS deployment to your local SSH profile so that you can access the VMware Tanzu Operations Manager VM. For example, in AWS, you add a key pair created in AWS:$ ssh-add aws-keypair.pem
SSH in to your Tanzu Operations Manager using the Tanzu Operations Manager FQDN and the username
:$ ssh ubuntu@OPS-MANAGER-FQDN
Log in to your MySQL database instance using the appropriate hostname and user login values configured in your IaaS account. For example, to log in to your AWS RDS instance, run the following MySQL command:
$ mysql --host=RDSHOSTNAME --user=RDSUSERNAME --password=RDSPASSWORD
Run the following MySQL commands to create databases for the eleven TAS for VMs components that require a relational database:
CREATE database ccdb; CREATE database notifications; CREATE database autoscale; CREATE database app\_usage\_service; CREATE database routing; CREATE database diego; CREATE database account; CREATE database nfsvolume; CREATE database networkpolicyserver; CREATE database silk; CREATE database locket; CREATE database uaa; CREATE database credhub;
to end the session with the MySQL client, andexit
again to close your connection to the Tanzu Operations Manager VM.
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