Tanzu Platform SaaS

Troubleshoot your applications and microservices

Last Updated February 19, 2025

Tanzu Platform collects metrics and other data from the applications it discovers and the platforms on which the applications are running.

If an application or microservice needs attention, you can examine its dashboard to gain valuable information about its performance and troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

To open an application dashboard, on the Applications > Apps page, click the name of the application you are interested in. The application dashboard is organized in tabs, which are described in this topic.

The application dashboard shows topology maps and troubleshooting charts.

For information about alerts and notifications, see Monitor resources in Tanzu Platform.


The application overview provides the topology view and properties for the app. |Item|Description| |—-|———–| |Topology|Shows the logical topology map of the application. An arrow between two components indicates a dependency and its direction. The text on an arrow indicates the type of relationship between the dependent components.

For example, an arrow with the contained in text from the application to a business application means that the application is within this business application.| |Properties|Shows the configuration details of the application, that is, the collected actuator-based Spring application configuration key values and Git information, if enabled. You can also examine the history of the changes of the properties.|


The application Performance view includes a number of metric panels and widgets. The metric panels are described in the following table.

ItemSpring and Java-based applicationsOther applications
RED metricsShows charts for application operation request rate, errors, latency, and latency histogram. You can select the app instance, the app operation, and the time range for the data in the charts. This data is collected if you added the Micrometer and Wavefront tracing libraries to your application. For more information, see Add Micrometer and Wavefront tracing libraries.

If your app is not instrumented to use Micrometer, RED metrics are collected by the Cloud Foundry collector, if your apps are running on a Cloud Foundry foundation, or Kubernetes collector if your app is running in a Kubernetes Space.

Shows charts for application operation request rate, errors, latency and latency histogram. You can select the app instance and the time range for the data in the charts. Data is collected by the Cloud Foundry collector, if your apps are running on a Cloud Foundry foundation, or Kubernetes collector, if your app is running in a Kubernetes Space. The Operation drop down list is not available.
Resource UsageShows charts for memory usage, CPU usage, and disk usage for an app instance.Shows charts for memory usage, CPU usage, and disk usage for an app instance. For apps running on Kubernetes, only Red metrics and Logs data are available.
JVM metricsShows charts of the JVM memory usage, CPU usage, and thread activity for an app instance. You can select the app instance and the time range for the data in the charts. This data is collected if you added the Micrometer and Wavefront tracing libraries to your application. See Add Micrometer and Wavefront tracing libraries.Not applicable.
LogsShows the log distribution for the application.Shows the log distribution for the application.

If you do not see any metric values on the charts, verify that the application configuration and library versions are accurate. The application needs some request activity for metric charts to show values. For information about metric analytics and overlays, see Using metric analytics and overlays.


The Platform view shows the services and properties of the application. The services are the applications that are not developed by the application developer but are rather just used as dependencies, such as Postgres for data stores, RabbitMQ for message queues, and 3rd party services outside the business applications boundary that the applications depend on.


The Logs view shows the logs for the application. Application logs are not automatically collected. To enable log collection for applications running on a Cloud Foundry foundation, see Configure Cloud Foundry logs to send to Tanzu Platform.

To enable log collection for applications running on a Kubernetes cluster, reach out to Broadcom support.

For information about how to use log analytics, see Using log outlier analytics.

Spring ops

Spring ops data is available only for Spring applications. Spring Ops shows information about the used libraries in your Spring applications, such as vulnerabilities, support, and upgrades. This data is collected if you added the CycloneDX plugin to your Spring applications. See (Optional) Add SBOM info for your Spring applications.