Tanzu Platform SaaS

Integrate Mutual TLS and Ingress Capabilities with a third-party certificate authority (CA)

Last Updated February 19, 2025

You can integrate mutual TLS and ingress with third-party certificate authorities for certificate management. This enables secure service-to-service communication within a Space and user-to-service communication into a Space on Tanzu Platform.

Integrate the Vault certificate authority

To integrate the Vault CA:

  1. In the Tanzu Platform UI, go to Spaces > Capabilities.
  2. Click on the Capability Ingress.
  3. Select the cluster group to which you want to install the Capability.
  4. Select Advanced Configuration > YAML to enter Vault endpoint details.

    Vault endpoint input screen

    Sample Input for vault CA:

    # This vault section is considered for mTLS
     # path: signing endpoint path. Here 'root' is fixed.
     path: pki/root/sign-intermediate
     # server: URL where vault CA is hosted
     server: https://vault.foo.com:8200/
     # caBundle: Required if server endpoint is with https
     caBundle: <base64 encoded ca bundle>
     # auth: Token/Secret for API access
       token: <base64 encoded api access token>
    # This clusterIngressCa:vault section is considered for ingress TLS
       # path: signing endpoint path. Here 'sign' is fixed.
       path: ingress/sign/ingress-role
       # server: URL where vault CA is hosted
       server: https://vault.foo.com:8200/
       # caBundle: Required if server endpoint is with https
       caBundle: <base64 encoded ca bundle>  # Required if server endpoint is with https
       # auth: Token/Secret for API access
         token: <base64 encoded api access token>
  5. Click Install Package.

Integrate a Space-managed self-signed certificate

By default, a Space-managed self-signed certificate is considered for mTLS when the Ingress Capability is deployed without any CA credentials input. To integrate a Space-managed self-signed certificate:

  1. In the Tanzu Platform UI, scroll down to Application Platform.
  2. Go to Spaces > Capabilities.
  3. Click on the Capability Ingress.
  4. Select the cluster group to which you want to install the Capability.
  5. Click Install Package.