Tanzu Platform SaaS

ReplaceText transform

Last Updated February 19, 2025

The ReplaceText transform allows replacing one or several text tokens in files as they are being copied to their destination. The replacement values are the result of dynamic evaluation of SpEL expressions.

This transform is text-oriented and requires knowledge of how to interpret the stream of bytes that make up the file contents into text. All files are assumed to use UTF-8 encoding by default, but you can use the UseEncoding transform upfront to specify a different charset to use on some files.

You can use ReplaceText transform in one of two ways:

  • To replace several literal text tokens.
  • To define the replacement behavior using a single regular expression, in which case the replacement SpEL expression can leverage the regex capturing group syntax.

Syntax reference

  • Syntax reference for replacing several literal text tokens:

    ReplaceText({text: "SOME-TEXT",with: "REPLACEMENT"})
  • Syntax reference for defining the replacement behavior using a single regular expression:

    ReplaceText(regex: {pattern: "REGULAR-EXPRESSION",with: SPEL-EXPRESSION})

    Pattern is used to match the entire document. To match on a per line basis, enable multiline mode by including (?m) in the regex.

In both cases, the SpEL expression can use the special #files helper object. This enables the replacement string to consist of the contents of an accelerator file. See the Examples.

Another set of helper objects are functions of the form xxx2Yyyy() where xxx and yyy can take the value camel, kebab, pascal, or snake. For example, camel2Snake() enables changing from camelCase to snake_case.


See the following examples using The ReplaceText transform.

Example 1

Replacing the hard-coded string "hello-world-app" with the value of variable #artifactId in all .md, .xml, and .yaml files.

Include({"**/*.md", "**/*.xml", "**/*.yaml"})
ReplaceText({text: "hello-world-app", with: #artifactId})

Diagram showing a ReplaceText transform.

Example 2

Replacing the hard-coded string "hello-world-app" with the value of variable #artifactId in the README-fr.md and README-de.md files, which are encoded using the ISO-8859-1 charset:

Include({"README-fr.md", "README-de.md"})
ReplaceText({text: "hello-world-app", with: #artifactId})

Example 3

Similar to the preceding example, but making sure the value appears as kebab case, while the entered #artifactId is using camel case:

Include({"**/*.md", "**/*.xml", "**/*.yaml"})
ReplaceText({text: "hello-world-app", with: #camel2Kebab(#artifactId)})

Example 4

Replacing the hard-coded string "REPLACE-ME" with the contents of file named after the value of the #platform option in README.md:

ReplaceText({text: "REPLACE-ME", with: #files.contentsOf("snippets/install-" + #platform + ".md")})

Example 5

Replacing all occurrences of apple or orange, singular or plural, with the value of the accelerator option #vegetable, for example 'banana', keeping the trailing 's' when there was one.

// This constructs a SpEL string containing eg 'banana$2' where $2
// refers to the second capturing group (the optional 's')
ReplaceText(regex: {pattern: "(apple|orange)(s)?", with: #vegetable + "$2"})

See also