Tanzu Platform SaaS

Getting started with Kubernetes Spaces

Last Updated February 19, 2025

This documentation shows you the basic features of Kubernetes Spaces as a quick-start guide. In this guide, you will:

Set up the infrastructure to create an application environmentUse the platform to bootstrap the infrastructure required to begin creating application environments.
Create an application environmentSet up Profiles that define the characteristics required for your application runtime, then create your first Space from the Profile.
Deploy your first application using SpacesDeploy the sample application Where for Dinner? to your newly created Space and observe the deployed application.
Bind backing services to your applicationDeploy Where for Dinner? sample application using Spaces, then create and bind the MySQL and RabbitMQ services using the Tanzu Services CLI plug-in
Clean up the application environmentRemove the resources created during the set up of the infrastructure and application environment.

Each example builds upon the previous one, allowing you to follow a logical progression from start to finish where you will have a deployed sample application.

After you are comfortable with the basics of how Kubernetes Spaces work, you can explore advanced topics in the How-Tos.

Before getting started, be sure to read the Release Notes to familiarize yourself with the latest features and known issues.