Tanzu Platform SaaS

Accelerator transforms reference

Last Updated February 19, 2025

This topic provides you with a list and brief description of the available Application Accelerator transforms in App Accelerator for Tanzu Platform.

Available transforms

You can use:

  • Include to select files to operate on.
  • Exclude to select files to operate on.
  • Merge to work on subsets of inputs and to gather the results at the end.
  • Chain to apply several transforms in sequence using function composition.
  • Let to introduce new scoped variables to the model.
  • InvokeFragment allows re-using various fragments across accelerators.
  • ReplaceText to perform simple token replacement in text files.
  • TextPreprocessor to discard parts of text files based on conditions.
  • RewritePath to move files around using regular expression (regex) rules.
  • OpenRewriteRecipe to apply Rewrite recipes, such as package rename.
  • YTT to run the ytt tool on its input files and gather the result.
  • UseEncoding to set the encoding to use when handling files as text.
  • UniquePath to decide what to do when several files end up on the same path.
  • Loop to iterate over a list and apply a transform for each element.
  • Provenance to generate a manifest of the accelerator run.

See also