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VMware® Cloud Infrastructure Software
VMware Aria
VMware Aria Automation 8.16
Configuring the VMware Aria Automation Plug-In for ServiceNow ITSM
Configuring and Using the Service Catalog on Native UI
Using the Service Catalog
VMware Aria Automation 8.16
Version 8.16
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Getting Started with VMware Aria Automation
Before you begin
How do I navigate between services
What does Automation Assembler do
How do you get started using the QuickStart
How do you get started using the vCenter Server Quickstart
How do you get started using the VMware Cloud Foundation Quickstart
Take me on a tour to see what the Quickstart did
Tour of the Quickstart changes to Automation Assembler
Tour of the Quickstart changes to Service Broker
How do you get started with Private AI Automation Services using the Catalog Setup Wizard
How do I set up Automation Assembler
What does Automation Service Broker do
How do I set up Automation Service Broker
What does Automation Pipelines do
How Do I Set It Up
What else can I do
Using Automation Assembler
How does Automation Assembler work
Deploying a virtual machine
Setting up and testing vSphere infrastructure and deployments
Configuring and provisioning a production workload
Using tags to manage vSphere resources
Adding a cloud template to the Automation Service Broker catalog with a custom request form
Onboarding and managing vSphere resources
Multi-cloud infrastructure and deployments
Part 1: Configure the example infrastructure
Part 2: Create the example project
Part 3: Design and deploy the example cloud template
Create a basic cloud template
Test a basic cloud template
Expand a cloud template
Configuring VMware Cloud on AWS
Configure a basic VMware Cloud on AWS workflow
Prepare your VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC to connect with VMware Cloud on AWS cloud accounts
Create a VMware Cloud on AWS cloud account in VMware Aria Automation in the workflow
Create a cloud zone for VMware Cloud on AWS deployments
Configure network and storage profiles for VMware Cloud on AWS deployments
Create a project to support VMware Cloud on AWS deployments
Define a vCenter machine resource in a cloud template design to support VMware Cloud on AWS deployment
Configure an isolated network in VMware Cloud on AWS
Define an isolated network for a VMware Cloud on AWS deployment
Configure network isolation by using on-demand network settings
Configure network isolation by using an on-demand security group
Define a network component in a cloud template to support network isolation
Configuring an external IPAM integration for Infoblox
Add required extensible attributes in the Infoblox application before deploying the download package
Download and deploy an external IPAM provider package
Create a running environment for an IPAM integration point
Add an external IPAM integration for Infoblox
Configure a network and network profile to use external IPAM for an existing network
Define and deploy a cloud template that uses an external IPAM provider range assignment
Using Infoblox-specific properties for IPAM integrations in cloud templates
Control network data collection by using Infoblox filters
Setting up Automation Assembler for your organization
What are the VMware Aria Automation user roles
Organization and service user roles
Custom user roles
Use cases: How can user roles help me control access
Set up user roles to support a small application development team
Set up user roles to support large teams and the catalog
Set up custom user roles to refine standard roles
Infrastructure Administrator built-in role
Adding cloud accounts
Credentials required for working with cloud accounts
Configure Microsoft Azure for use with VMware Aria Automation Assembler
Create a Microsoft Azure cloud account
Using boot diagnostics and log analytics with a Microsoft Azure virtual machine
Working with snapshots for Microsoft Azure virtual machine disks
Create an Amazon Web Services cloud account
AWS configuration options
Create a Google Cloud Platform cloud account
Setting up storage bucket resources for Google Cloud Platform (Classic)
Configuring load balancers with Google Cloud Platform cloud accounts (Classic)
Create a vCenter cloud account
Convert a traditional vCenter cloud account to one based on a VMware Aria Automation extensibility (vREx) proxy
Create an NSX-V cloud account
Create an NSX-T cloud account
Create a VMware Cloud on AWS cloud account
Create a VMware Cloud Foundation cloud account
Create a VMware Cloud Director cloud account in VMware Aria Automation
Using logs and other resources to troubleshoot VMware Cloud Director cloud accounts in VMware Aria Automation
Create a VMware Avi Load Balancer cloud account
Integrating with other applications
How do I use GitLab and GitHub integration
Configure Git Lab integration
Configure GitHub integration in Cloud Assembly
Configure Bitbucket integration in Cloud Assembly
Configure an external IPAM integration point - not in use case
How to upgrade to a newer external IPAM integration package
Configure an Automation Orchestrator Client integration in Automation Assembler
Activate or deactivate Automation Orchestrator Client integrations
Managing multiple Automation Orchestrator Client integrations with project constraints
Managing multiple Automation Orchestrator Client integrations with cloud account capability tags
Data collection for Automation Orchestrator Client integrations
How do I work with Kubernetes in Automation Assembler
Configure PKS integration in Cloud Assembly
Provision a vSphere with Tanzu Kubernetes deployment in VMware Aria Automation
Configure Red Hat OpenShift Integration in Cloud Assembly
Configure a Kubernetes Zone in Automation Assembler
Create a cluster plan in VMware Aria Automation Assembler for use with a vSphere with Tanzu Kubernetes deployment
Use Pacific supervisor clusters and namespaces with Cloud Assembly
Working with Kubernetes clusters and namespaces in Automation Assembler
Adding Kubernetes components to cloud templates in Automation Assembler
Using Automation Assembler extensibility with Kubernetes
What Is configuration management in Automation Assembler
Use Case: Add Puppet as an External System for Configuration Management
Configure Ansible Open Source integration in Cloud Assembly
Configure Ansible Tower Integration in Cloud Assembly
Configure an Automation Config integration
How do I create an Active Directory integration in Cloud Assembly
Configure a VMware SDDC integration
Integrating with vRealize Operations Manager
Advanced workload placement using VMware Aria Operations
Limitations on workload placement
How to enable workload placement
Troubleshooting workload placement
Learn more about workload placement
Continuous optimization using VMware Aria Operations
How to enable continuous optimization
Continuous optimization example
Locate VMware Aria Automation managed datacenters
Deployment monitoring based on VMware Aria Operations
Enable VMware Aria Operations data
Health and alerts provided by VMware Aria Operations
Metrics provided by VMware Aria Operations
Acting on data provided by VMware Aria Operations
Resource management and deployment optimization using VMware Aria Operations metrics
What are onboarding plans
Onboard selected machines as a single deployment
Advanced configuration
How do I set my display language and regional format
How do I configure an Internet proxy server
Configure workload mobility
Configure and use a VMware Aria Automation Extensibility (vREx) proxy for improved performance across datacenters
What can I do with NSX-T mapping to multiple vCenters
What happens if I remove an NSX cloud account association
How do I use the IPAM SDK to create a provider-specific external IPAM integration package
Using VMware Aria Automation with Azure VMware Solution
Using VMware Aria Automation with Google Cloud VMware Engine
Using VMware Aria Automation with Oracle Cloud VMware Solution
Using VMware Aria Automation with VMware Cloud on Dell EMC
Building your resource infrastructure
How to add cloud zones
Learn more about cloud zones
How to add flavor mappings
Learn more about flavor mappings
How to add image mappings
Learn more about image mappings
How to add network profiles
Learn more about network profiles
Using network settings
Using security group settings
Using load balancer settings
How do I configure a network profile to support an on-demand network for an external IPAM integration
How do I configure a network profile to support an existing network for an external IPAM integration
How to add storage profiles
Learn more about storage profiles
How do I use pricing cards
How to create pricing cards for vSphere and VMware Cloud on AWS
How to use tags to manage Cloud Assembly resources and deployments
Creating a tagging strategy
Using capability tags in Automation Assembler
Using constraint tags in Automation Assembler
Standard tags
How Automation Assembler processes tags
How do I set up a simple tagging structure
How to work with resources
Compute resources
Network resources
Security resources
Storage resources
Learn more about resources
How does data collection work
Updating network resources after NSX-T N-VDS to C-VDS migration
How to monitor resource capacity and notify project owners using the Insights dashboard
How to manage resource capacity, performance, and availability by using Alerts
How to optimize deployments by using Alerts
What can I do with standard disk storage
What can I do with persistent disk storage
What can I do with first class disk storage
How to reuse networking and security resources
How to manage infrastructure capacity
How to work with audit logs
How to apply governance to your resources
Configuring Multi-provider tenant resources with VMware Aria Automation
How do I create a Virtual Private Zone for VMware Aria Automation
Manage Virtual Private Zone configuration for VMware Aria Automation tenants
Create global image and flavor mapping for VMware Aria Automation tenants
Configure tenant specific image and flavor mappings for VMware Aria Automation
Create extensibility subscriptions for providers or tenants
Working with legacy Virtual Private Zones in newer versions of VMware Aria Automation
Adding and managing projects
How do I add a project for my development team
Learn more about projects
Using project tags and custom properties
Using cloud zone resource limits in projects
Using project-level placement policies
What are the project costs
How do projects work at deployment time
Designing your deployments
Getting started with creating and designing cloud templates
Code completion help for your template
Bindings and dependencies
Template versioning
User input in requests
Automation Orchestrator actions as inputs
Property groups
Input property groups
Automation Orchestrator actions in a property group
Constant property groups
Learn more about property groups
Resource flags for requests
Expression syntax
Secret properties
Remote access
SCSI disk placement
Machine initialization
vSphere customization specifications
Configuration commands
vSphere templates
vSphere static IP addresses
Delayed deployment
Windows guest customization
Windows image for vSphere
Cloudbase-Init commands for Windows
Machine and disk clusters
Custom resource naming
Global custom naming
Project-by-project custom naming
SaltStack Config resource
Add the SaltStack Config resource to the template
Troubleshoot minion deployments
Add the Salt minion to deployments in air-gapped environments
Terraform configurations
Preparing a Terraform runtime environment
Terraform runtime with no internet access
Preparing for Terraform configurations
Designing for Terraform configurations
Using a secret property in a Terraform configuration
Learn more about Terraform configurations
Custom resource types
Adding Automation Orchestrator Client actions as input properties
How to create a cloud template that adds users to Active Directory
How to create a cloud template that includes SSH
Preparing for day 2
How to use cloud template inputs for day 2 updates
How to move a deployed machine to another network
How to create a resource action to vMotion a virtual machine
How to build advanced conditions for Automation Assembler custom actions
More template examples
Network, security, and load balancer resource examples
More about networks
More about security groups and security tags
More about load balancers
vSphere resource examples
Reviewable cloud template
Attaching an existing disk
Cores per socket and CPU count
Puppet enabled cloud template with username and password access
AWS Puppet configuration management cloud template examples
vCenter Puppet configuration cloud template examples
Resource property schema
Special properties
Plug-in based designs
Allocation helper examples
Provision a plug-in based EC2 instance
Create custom names with the custom naming allocation helper
Setting up plug-in based resources for Google Cloud Platform
Configuring plug-in based instance resources
Configuring plug-in based storage bucket resources
Working with plug-in based disk snapshots
Configuring service accounts
Configuring plug-in based load balancers
Setting up plug-in based resources for Amazon Web Services
Configuring plug-in based EC2 instances
Setting up plug-in based Azure resources
Configuring plug-in based Azure virtual machines
Configuring plug-in based Azure disks
Configuring plug-in based Azure virtual networks
Configuring plug-in based Azure storage accounts
Configuring plug-in based Azure SQL databases
Setting up plug-in based VMware Avi Load Balancer resources
LBaaS template examples
IPAM, vSphere, and NSX Cloud template examples
Configuring Avi Load Balancer profiles
Frequently asked questions
Learn more
Other ways to create templates
Extending and automating application life cycles
Extensibility action subscriptions
How do I integrate Automation Assembler with ServiceNow using extensibility actions
How do I tag virtual machines during provisioning by using extensibility actions
How can I configure a network interface controller name by using extensibility actions
Learn more about extensibility actions
How do I create extensibility actions
Create a ZIP package for Python runtime extensibility actions
Create a ZIP package for Node.js runtime extensibility actions
Create a ZIP package for PowerShell runtime extensibility actions
Using context parameters to add a proxy configuration in your PowerShell script
Configure cloud-specific extensibility actions
Configure on-premises extensibility actions
How can I create secrets for use in extensibility actions
How can I create extensibility action constants
Create shared extensibility actions
Configuring the Log Analytics Workspace for Azure based extensibility actions
Azure logging for Python-based extensibility actions
Export and import extensibility actions
What is an action flow
Sequential action flows
Fork action flows
Join action flows
Conditional action flows
How do I use an error handler with action flows
How do I track action runs
Troubleshooting failed extensibility action runs
Extensibility workflow subscriptions
How do I modify virtual machine properties using a Automation Orchestrator Client workflow subscription
How do I integrate Automation Assembler for ITSM with ServiceNow using Automation Orchestrator Client workflows
Learn more about workflow subscriptions
Best practices for creating Automation Orchestrator Clientworkflows
How do I track workflow runs
Troubleshooting failed workflow subscriptions
Learn more about extensibility subscriptions
Extensibility terminology
Blocking event topics
Event topics provided with Automation Assembler
Extensibility event log
Create an extensibility subscription
Using extensibility subscriptions to manage deployment expiry
Troubleshooting an extensibility subscription
View topic parameters and payload
Subscription version history
Managing deployments and resources
Managing deployments
How do I monitor deployments
What can I do if an Automation Assembler deployment fails
How do I manage the life cycle of a completed deployment
Managing resources
Working with individual resources
Working with discovered machines
What actions can I run on deployments or resources
Properties excluded from day 2 action changes
Using Automation Service Broker
How does Automation Service Broker work
Setting up Automation Service Broker for your organization
What are the Automation Service Broker user roles
Adding Content to the Catalog
Add Automation Assembler cloud templates to the catalog
Add CloudFormation templates to the catalog
Add Automation Orchestrator Client workflows to the catalog
Add extensibility actions to the catalog
Add pipelines to the catalog
Setting up policies
How do I configure approval policies
Configure Active Directory attributes for the AD Manager approver role
Configure multi-level approvals
How do I configure day 2 actions using policies
How do I configure deployment leases using policies
How do I configure resource quotas using policies
How do I limit deployment resources
How do I share content using policies
How do I configure scope in Service Broker policies
How do I configure deployment criteria in policies
How are policies processed
Customize an icon and request form
Learn more about Service Broker custom forms
Custom form designer field properties in Service Broker
Using the data grid element in the Automation Service Broker custom form designer
Using Automation Orchestrator actions in the custom form designer
Using value picker and multi value picker elements in the custom form designer
Versioning custom forms
Send email notifications to users
Add an email server to send notifications
How do I customize notifications
Working with the Infrastructure options
How do I deploy a catalog item
Learn more about catalog items
How do I deploy Private AI catalog items
Deploy a deep learning VM
Deploy an AI-enabled Tanzu Kubernetes cluster
Monitor your Private AI deployments
Managing deployments and resources
How do I manage my deployments
How do I monitor deployments
What can I do if a Automation Service Broker deployment fails
How do I manage approval requests
How do I track my requests that require approval
How do I respond to an approval request
How do I manage user input requests
How do I track my requests that require user input
How do I respond to a user input request
How do I manage resources
Working with individual resources
Working with discovered machines
What actions can I run on deployments or resources
How to move a deployed machine to another network
Properties excluded from day 2 action changes
Configuring and working with the Cloud Consumption Interface
Cloud Consumption Interface setup and configuration
Setting Up Single Sign-On for CCI
Preparing to use the CLI to perform CCI tasks
Setting up the CCI infrastructure using kubectl
Viewing Administrator Constructs
Getting started with CCI in Automation Service Broker
Create a Supervisor Namespace
Working with the Virtual Machine service
Working with the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid service
Working with the Volume service
Other CCI Command Line Interface options
Create Supervisor Namespaces and infrastructure resources using kubectl
Kubernetes API Reference for the Cloud Consumption Interface
Using Automation Pipelines
Setting up to model my release process
How do I add a project
How do I manage user access and approvals
What are user operations and approvals
Creating and using pipelines
How do I run a pipeline and see results
What task types are available
Creating and using shared pipelines
How do I do use variable bindings in pipelines
How do I use variable bindings in a condition task to run or stop a pipeline
What variables and expressions can I use when binding pipeline tasks
How do I send notifications about my pipeline
How do I create a Jira ticket when a pipeline task fails
How do I roll back my deployment
Planning to natively build, integrate, and deliver your code
Configuring the Pipeline Workspace
Planning a CICD native build before using the smart pipeline template
Planning a CI native build before using the smart pipeline template
Planning a CD native build before using the smart pipeline template
Planning a CICD native build before manually adding tasks
Planning for rollback
How do I continuously integrate code from my GitHub or GitLab repository into my pipeline
How do I automate the release of an application that I deploy from a YAML cloud template
How do I automate the release of an application to a Kubernetes cluster
How do I deploy my application to my Blue-Green deployment
How do I integrate my own build, test, and deploy tools
How do I use the resource properties of a cloud template task in my next task
How do I use a REST API to integrate with other applications
How do I leverage pipeline as code
What is Search
Connecting to endpoints
What are Endpoints
How do I integrate with Jenkins
How do I integrate with Git
How do I integrate with Gerrit
How do I integrate with Automation Orchestrator
Triggering pipelines
How do I use the Docker trigger to run a continuous delivery pipeline
How do I use the Git trigger to run a pipeline
How do I use the Gerrit trigger to run a pipeline
Monitoring pipelines
What does the pipeline dashboard show me
How do I use custom dashboards to track key performance indicators
Using Automation Orchestrator
Content organization
Create folders or subfolders
Move objects or folders
Delete Folders or Subfolders
Setting up the Automation Orchestrator Client
User roles and groups
Assign Roles in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Configure Automation Orchestrator Client Roles in VMware Aria Automation
Create Groups in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Automation Orchestrator Object Version History
Restore a Workflow to an Earlier Version
Visual Comparison Between Workflow Versions
Reset Your Automation Orchestrator Content Inventory to a Previous State with Git
Automation Orchestrator Use Cases
How Can I Use Git Branching to Manage My Automation Orchestrator Object Inventory
Prepare Your GitLab Environment
Configure a Connection to a Git Repository
Push Changes to a Git Repository
Managing Workflows
Standard workflows in the Automation Orchestrator workflow library
Create Workflows
Edit Workflows and Actions from the Parent Workflow
Automation Orchestrator Input Form Designer
Create the Workflow Input Parameters Dialog Box in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Input Parameter Properties in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Validate workflow inputs using actions
Requests for User Interaction in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Schedule Workflows
Edit Scheduled Task in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Find Object References in Workflows
Script environments
Managing Actions
Create Actions
Running and Debugging Actions
Run Actions
Debug Actions
Core Concepts for Python, Node.js, and PowerShell Scripts
Runtime Limits for Python, Node.js, and PowerShell Scripts
Managing Configuration Elements
Create a configuration element
Managing Policies
Create and apply policies
Policy Elements
Manage Policy Runs
Managing Resource Elements
Managing Packages
Create Packages
Export Packages
Import Packages
Troubleshooting in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Metric Data in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Profile Workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Using the Automation Orchestrator System Dashboard
Using Workflow Token Replay in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Validating Workflows
Validate a Workflow and Fix Validation Errors in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Debug Workflow Scripts in the Automation Orchestrator Client
Debug Workflows by Schema Element
Configuring a Photon OS Container for Python Packages
Using Automation Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Managing plug-ins
Install, update, or delete a plug-in
Install or update a plug-in
Delete a plug-in
Plug-ins installed with the Automation Orchestrator server
Time Zone Codes
Configure Kerberos authentication for Automation Orchestrator plug-ins
Using the Active Directory Plug-In
Using the Active Directory Plug-In Workflow Library
Computer Workflows
Organizational Unit Workflows
User Workflows
User Group Workflows
Client-Side Load Balancing for the Active Directory Plug-In
Using the AMQP Plug-In
Configuring the AMQP Plug-In
Add a Broker
Subscribe to Queues
Update a Broker
Using the AMQP plug-in workflow library
Declare a Binding
Declare a Queue
Declare an Exchange
Send a Text Message
Delete a Binding
Using the Auto Deploy Plug-In
Configuring and the Auto Deploy Plug-In
Create and Apply a Rule
Auto Deploy Plug-In Workflow Library
Using the Configuration Plug-In
Using the Dynamic Types Plug-In
Dynamic Types Configuration Workflows
Using the F5 BIG-IP Plug-In
Run the Attach BIG-IP Workflow
F5 Plug-In Workflow Library
Using the HTTP-REST Plug-In
Persistent and Transient REST Hosts
Configuring the HTTP-REST Plug-In
Add a REST Host
Add a REST Operation
Add a Schema to a REST Host
Generate a New Workflow from a REST Operation
Invoking a REST Operation
Invoke a REST Operation
Using the Library Plug-In
Using the Mail Plug-In
Using the Mail plug-in sample workflows
Define the default SMTP connection
Using the Multi-Node plug-in
Configuring the Multi-Node plug-in
Add an Automation Orchestrator server
Using proxy workflows
Synchronous proxy workflows
Asynchronous proxy workflows
Remote execution workflows
Using the Multi-Node plug-in inventory
Remote management workflows
Multi-Node plug-in use cases
Create a multi-proxy action
Maintenance of remote and proxy workflows
Deploy a package from a local server
Using the Net Plug-In
Using the PowerShell plug-in
Configuring the PowerShell plug-in
Configuring WinRM
Configure WinRM to Use HTTP
Configure WinRM to use HTTPS
Add a PowerShell host
Running PowerShell Scripts
Invoke a PowerShellScript
Invoke an External Script
Generating Actions
Generate an action from a PowerShell script
Generate an action for a PowerShell Cmdlet
Passing Invocation Results Between Actions
PowerCLI Integration with the PowerShell Plug-In
Converter Workflows
Working with PowerShell results
Scripting examples for common PowerShell tasks
Activate Kerberos Event Logging
Servers Not Found in Kerberos Database
Unable to Obtain a Kerberos Ticket
Kerberos Authentication Fails Due to Different Time Settings
Kerberos Authentication Session Mode Fails
Unable to Reach a Key Distribution Center for a Realm
Unable to Locate the Default Realm
Using the SNMP Plug-In
Managing SNMP Devices
SNMP Device Management Workflows
Register an SNMP Device
Managing SNMP Queries
Query Management Workflows
Add a Query to an SNMP Device
Managing the SNMP Trap Host
Trap Host Management Workflows
Add a SNMP trap port to the Automation Orchestrator Appliance
Set the SNMP Trap Port
Receiving SNMP Traps
Wait for a Trap on an SNMP Device
Set an SNMP Trap Policy
Configure an SNMP Trap Host Policy
Edit a Trap Policy
Generic SNMP Request Workflows
Using the SOAP plug-in
Configuring the SOAP plug-in
Add a SOAP Host
Generate a new workflow from a SOAP operation
Test a Custom-Generated Workflow
Invoke a SOAP Operation
Using the SQL Plug-In
Configuring the SQL plug-in
Add a Database
Add Tables to a Database
Update a Database
Running the SQL Sample Workflows
Generate a JDBC URL
Test a JDBC connection
Create a table by using JDBC
Insert a Row into a JDBC Table
Select Rows from a JDBC Table
Delete an Entry from a JDBC Table
Delete All Entries from a JDBC Table
Drop a JDBC Table
Run a Complete JDBC Cycle
Running SQL Operations
Generate CRUD Workflows for a Table
Adding a JDBC connector for the Automation Orchestrator SQL plug-in
Using the SSH Plug-In
Configuring the SSH Plug-In
Add an SSH Host
Running the SSH Plug-In Sample Workflows
Generate a Key Pair
Generate a Key Pair in Automation Orchestrator
Use an Externally Generated Key Pair
Change the Key Pair Passphrase
Register a Automation Orchestrator Public Key on an SSH Host
Run an SSH Command
Copy a File from an SSH Host
Copy a File to an SSH Host
Using the vCenter plug-in
Configuring the vCenter Server Plug-In
Configure the Connection to a vCenter Instance
Performance Considerations for Querying
Using XPath Expressions with the vCenter Plug-In
vCenter Plug-In Workflow Library
Batch Workflows
Cluster and Compute Resource Workflows
Configuration Workflows
Custom Attributes Workflows
Datacenter Workflows
Datastore and Files Workflows
Datacenter Folder Management Workflows
Host Folder Management Workflows
Virtual Machine Folder Management Workflows
Guest Operation Files Workflows
Guest Operation Processes Workflows
Power Host Management Workflows
Basic Host Management Workflows
Host Registration Management Workflows
Networking Workflows
Distributed Virtual Port Group Workflows
Distributed Virtual Switch Workflows
Standard Virtual Switch Workflows
Networking Virtual SAN Workflows
Resource Pool Workflows
Storage Workflows
Storage DRS Workflows
Storage VSAN Workflows
Basic Virtual Machine Management Workflows
Clone Workflows
Linked Clone Workflows
Linux Customization Clone Workflows
Tools Clone Workflows
Windows Customization Clone Workflows
Device Management Workflows
Move and Migrate Workflows
Other workflows
Power Management Workflows
Snapshot Workflows
VMware Tools Workflows
Using the vCOIN Plug-In
Configuring the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator Plug-in for vSphere Web Client
Unregister the vCOIN Plug-In
Create a context action
Using the vCloud Suite API (vAPI) Plug-In
Configuring the vCloud Suite API Plug-In
Import a vCloud Suite API metamodel
Add a vCloud Suite API endpoint
Using the Automation Plug-In
Host configuration workflows
Add a VMware Aria Automation host
Add a VMware Aria Automation SaaS host
Infrastructure workflows
Add a vSphere cloud account
Add a cloud zone
Add a disk
Add a machine
Add a network
Add a project
Using the VUM Plug-In
Connect the VUM Plug-In to vCenter
VUM Plug-In Workflow Library
Using the XML Plug-In
Create a Simple XML Document
Find an Element in an XML Document
Modify an XML Document
Create an Example Address Book from XML
Using Automation Config
How does Automation Config work
Understanding the Automation Config User Interface
Dashboard Reports
Using the Targets workspace
Using the Highstate workspace
Using the Master Plugins workspace
Administrating Automation Config for your organization
How do I define user roles
Advanced permissions and item types
How do I set up Single Sign-On (SSO) and directory services
Setting up native authentication
Configuring OAuth and OIDC single sign-on (SSO)
Configuring SAML single sign-on (SSO)
SAML configuration reference
Configuring directory services using the LDAP protocol
Adding a custom message to the login screen
Working with the API (RaaS)
Use Case: How do I deploy minions using the API in a Linux environment
Use Case: How do I deploy minions using the API in a Windows environment
Using jobs in Automation Config
How do I create targets?
Best practices for creating targets
How do I create state files and pillar data?
How do I create jobs?
How do I run jobs and commands?
How do I review job status and job returns?
Before you start
Example 1: Check disk usage
Example 2: List installed software
Example 3: Configure firewall settings on a Windows node
Example 4: Configure an Apache web server on a CentOS (Linux) node
Using best practices and security guidelines
Monitoring your system metrics using Automation Config
Troubleshooting Automation Config
Using Automation Secure Hosts
Configure Automation for Secure Hosts
Supported Security and Compliance Benchmarks
How do I use Automation for Secure Hosts Compliance
How do I create a compliance policy
Creating and testing custom compliance components
Building your custom content library
How do I run a compliance assessment
How do I view and remediate my assessment results
How do I use Automation for Secure Hosts Vulnerability
Using the vulnerability library
How do I create a vulnerability policy
How do I run a vulnerability assessment
Use Case: How do I import a third-party security scan as an alternative to running an assessment
How do I remediate advisories
How do I reboot a minion as part of remediation
VMware Aria Automation Reference Architecture
Deployment and Configuration Recommendations
Configuring Deployments
Authenticating VMware Aria Automation 8
Configuring Load Balancers
Configuring Automation Orchestrator Client
Configuring High Availability
Hardware Requirements
Scalability and Concurrency Maximums
Network and Port Communication
Network Requirements
Port Requirements
Deployment Configurations
Small Deployment Configuration
Large (Clustered) Deployment Configuration
Administering VMware Aria Automation
Administering users
How do I enable Active Directory groups for projects
How do I remove users in VMware Aria Automation
How do I edit user roles in VMware Aria Automation
How do I edit group role assignments in VMware Aria Automation
What are the VMware Aria Automation user roles
Active Directory sync and authentication with multiple domains
Enable Department of Defense Notice and Consent Banner
Maintaining your appliance
Starting and stopping VMware Aria Automation
Scale out from one node to three nodes
Configure an anti-affinity rule and virtual machine group for a clustered Workspace ONE Access instance
Configure anti-affinity rules
Configure an anti-affinity rule and virtual machine group for a clustered VMware Aria Automation instance
Replacing an appliance node
Increase VMware Aria Automation appliance disk space
Update the DNS assignment
Change the IP address of a node or cluster
How do I enable time synchronization
How do I reset the root password
Using multi-organization tenant configurations in VMware Aria Automation
Set up multi-organization tenancy
Managing certificates and DNS configuration under single-node multi-organization deployments
Managing certificate and DNS configuration in clustered VMware Aria Automation deployments
Logging in to tenants and adding users in VMware Aria Automation
Using Automation Orchestrator with VMware Aria Automation multi-organization deployments
Working with logs
How do I work with logs and log bundles
How do I configure log forwarding to VMware Aria Operations for Logs
How do I create or update a syslog integration
How do I delete a syslog integration for logging
How do I work with VMware Aria Automation content packs
Participating in the Customer Experience Improvement Program
How do I join or leave the customer experience improvement programs (CEIP and Pendo CEIP)
How do I configure the data collection time for the program
Turning on the in-product feedback form
Installing VMware Aria Automation with Easy Installer
System Requirements
How to run the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Easy Installer for vRealize Automation and VMware Identity Manager
Installing VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle with Easy Installer for vRealize Automation and vIDM
How do I set up a VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle instance on VMware Cloud
Install and configure VMware Identity Manager
Install and Configure VMware Aria Automation
Migrate VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
How do I launch my installed applications
Post-Installation Tasks
Installing and Configuring Automation Config
Automation Config system requirements
Installation prerequisites
Required Automation Config dependencies
Installing Salt on your nodes
Transfer and import files
Installing Automation Config
Install the license key
Install and configure the Master Plugin
Check the RaaS configuration file
Log in for the first time and change default credentials
Accept the Salt master key and back up data
Set up SSL certificates
Set up Single Sign-On (SSO)
Configure Automation for Secure Hosts
Create a Automation Config integration with VMware Aria Automation
Extend your Salt infrastructure
Upgrading Automation Config
Upgrading RHEL 7
Create new RHEL 8/9 systems
Backup existing Salt infrastructure
Setup and run standard installation for RHEL 8/9
Migrate to RHEL 8/9
Optimizing Automation Config
How do I configure multiple RaaS nodes
How can I improve system performance
Reference Information
Manual installation
Download and import key files
PostgreSQL database installation and configuration
Redis installation and configuration
RaaS installation and configuration
Install the RaaS license key
Understanding the sseapi_cache runner
Installing and Configuring Automation Orchestrator
Key features of the Automation Orchestrator platform
User roles
System requirements
Default Appliance Components
Hardware requirements
Scalability Maximums
Network Requirements
Ports and Endpoints
Supported browsers
Internationalization Support
Setting Up Automation Orchestrator Components
vCenter setup
Authentication Methods
Installing Automation Orchestrator
Download and Deploy the Automation Orchestrator Appliance
Power on the Automation Orchestrator Appliance and Open the Home Page
Activate or Deactivate SSH Access to the Automation Orchestrator Appliance
Initial Configuration
Configuring a Standalone Automation Orchestrator Server
Authenticating with VMware Aria Automation
Authenticating with vSphere
Feature enablement with licenses
Automation Orchestrator Database Connection
Manage Automation Orchestrator certificates
Generate a custom TLS certificate
Set a custom TLS certificate
Import a Trusted Certificate with the Control Center
Activate the certificate path validation algorithm
Configuring the Automation Orchestrator plug-ins
Automation Orchestrator High Availability
Configure an Automation Orchestrator cluster
Remove an Automation Orchestrator cluster node
Scale out a standalone Automation Orchestrator deployment
Monitoring a cluster
Recovering a Cluster Node
Configuring the Customer Experience Improvement Program
Categories of Information That VMware Receives
Join or Leave the Customer Experience Improvement Program
Configuring the Automation Orchestrator Appliance authentication provider with the command line interface
Additional command line interface configuration options
Using the Automation Orchestrator API Services
Managing SSL Certificates Through the REST API
Delete an SSL Certificate by Using the REST API
Import SSL Certificates by Using the REST API
Create a Keystore by Using the REST API
Delete a Keystore by Using the REST API
Add a Key by Using the REST API
Additional Configuration Options
Reconfiguring Authentication
Change the Authentication Provider
Change the Authentication Parameters
Configuring the Workflow Run Properties
Automation Orchestrator Log Files
Logging Persistence
Automation Orchestrator Logs Configuration
Configure Logging Integration with Operations for Logs
Create or overwrite a syslog integration
Delete a Syslog Integration in Automation Orchestrator
Enable Kerberos Debug Logging
Enabling the Opentracing extension
Configure the Opentracing Extension
Configure the Wavefront Extension
Enable Time Synchronization for Automation Orchestrator
Deactivate Time Synchronization for Automation Orchestrator
Configure Automation Orchestrator Kubernetes CIDR
Update the DNS Settings for Automation Orchestrator
Back Up and Restore Automation Orchestrator
Configuration Use Cases and Troubleshooting
Verify the Automation Orchestrator server build number
Configure the Automation Orchestrator Plug-in for the vSphere Web Client
Cancel Running Workflows
Enable Automation Orchestrator Server Debugging
Resize the Automation Orchestrator Appliance Disks
How to Scale the Heap Memory Size of the Automation Orchestrator Server
Disaster Recovery of Automation Orchestrator by Using
Configure Virtual Machines for
Create Protection Groups
Create a Recovery Plan
Organize Recovery Plans in Folders
Edit a Recovery Plan
Setting System Properties
Setting Server File System Access for Workflows and Actions
Rules in the js-io-rights.conf File Permitting Write Access to the Automation Orchestrator System
Set Server File System Access for Workflows and Actions
Set Access to Operating System Commands for Workflows and Actions
Set JavaScript Access to Java Classes
Set Custom Timeout Property
Adding a JDBC connector for the Automation Orchestrator SQL plug-in
Set Scheduled Task and Policy Authentication Token Renewal Property
Activating basic authentication
Where to go from here
VMware Aria Automation Transition Guide
How can I migrate to VMware Aria Automation 8.x
How do I upgrade to VMware Aria Automation 8.x
Using the VMware Aria Automation 8 Migration Assistant to run a migration assessment
Running a Migration Assessment on a source instance
View Assessment Results
Considerations About VMware Aria Automation 8
Scalability Considerations
Using Legacy Extensibility
Automation Orchestrator Client Plugins
Writing Workflows and Action Code for Automation Assembler
Using Subscriptions in Automation Assembler
Migrating Tenants Using VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Prerequisites for Tenant Migration
Importing vRealize Automation 7.5/7.6
Installing or Upgrading to VMware Identity Manager 3.3.3
Upgrading to VMware Aria Automation 8
Performing an Inventory Sync on vRealize Automation 7 and 8 Environments, and Global Environment
Enabling Multi-Tenancy
How do I migrate tenants
How do I merge tenants
Using the VMware Aria Automation 8 Migration Assistant to run a migration
Migration Prerequisites
Migration Limitations
Blueprint Limitations
XaaS Limitations
Network Limitations
Deployment Limitations
vIDM Limitations
Endpoint Limitations
Subscription Limitations
Custom Properties Limitations
Cloud Zone Limitations
Reservation Limitations
Business Group Limitations
How do I perform a brownfield migration
Migrating vRealize Automation 7 Infrastructure
How are Business Groups mapped in VMware Aria Automation 8
Blueprint Considerations
How do I migrate and share a cloud template between projects
How do I use vRealize Automation 6.x blueprints
VMware Cloud Templates
Custom Form Blueprints
Component Profile Blueprints
NSX Support
XaaS Considerations
XaaS Blueprints
Custom Resources
Resource Mapping and Resource Actions
Entitlement Considerations
How are Entitled Actions mapped in VMware Aria Automation 8
Endpoint Considerations
Approval Policy Considerations
Networking Considerations
Reservation Considerations
Optimized Reservations
Custom Properties Considerations
Property Group Considerations
Multi-Tenancy Considerations
Migrating vRealize Automation 7 Subscriptions
Subscription Mapping and Considerations
Migrating vRealize Automation 7 Deployments
Deployment Considerations
NSX Deployment On-Boarding Support
Migrating Automation Orchestrator
Migrate an Embedded vRealize Orchestrator 7.x Instance
Migrate an Embedded vRealize Orchestrator 7.x Cluster
Additional Migration Requirements for Content Accessing the File System
How do I view my migration results
How do I view constructs mapping between vRealize Automation 7 and VMware Aria Automation 8
What happens during a migration rollback
How do I migrate updates to my source environment made after migration
Manual Post Migration Steps
Post Migration Validation Steps
Troubleshooting your migration
Troubleshooting: Migration Assessment
Troubleshooting: Migration Failed
Troubleshooting: Migration Rollback Failed
Use Case: How do I identify and plan for changes to my production environment without changing my live production environment?
Upgrading and Migrating Automation Orchestrator
Upgrading Automation Orchestrator
Upgrade a Standalone or Clustered Automation Orchestrator 8.x Deployment
Troubleshooting Automation OrchestratorUpgrades
False Upgrade Failure Notification
Migrating Automation Orchestrator
Migrate a Standalone Automation Orchestrator 7.x to Automation Orchestrator 8.x
Additional Migration Requirements for Content Accessing the File System
VMware Aria Automation NSX-V to NSX-T (NSX V2T) Migration
Getting started with NSX V2T migration
Creating and running the NSX-V to NSX-T migration plan
Perform post-migration tasks and work with migrated resources
VMware Aria Automation Extensibility Migration Guide
Sample Package and Dynamic Types Plug-in Generator
Accessing VMware Aria Automation Objects and Properties
Persist and Manage VMware Aria Automation Orchestrated Hosts with Their Credentials
Pass Credentials from a VMware Aria Automation User to the VMware Aria Automation Plug-in for Automation Orchestrator
VMware Aria Automation 8.x Finder Objects
VMware Aria Automation 8.x Scripting Objects
VMware Aria Automation Scripting Objects and REST Queries
Actions and Workflows Supporting Common Operations
Customizing Machine Provisioning
Customize Machine Properties or Deployments with Extensibility Topics
Customize Machine Properties or Deployments using the VMware Aria Automation API
Day 2 Operations on IaaS Entities
Custom Form API Call Examples
Using Dynamic Types with Custom Resources in VMware Aria Automation Automation Assembler
Creating the Dynamic Types Configuration
Dynamic Types Object and Custom Resource Requirements
Create the Dynamic Types Custom Resource
Lifecycle Extensibility
Migrating Subscriptions from vRealize Automation 7.x to VMware Aria Automation 8.x
Creating a Subscription
Create a Wrapper Workflow
Onboarding a Customer Organization
Onboarding a Project
Sychronizing the Workspace ONE Access Directory
Creating a VMware Aria Automation Project
Associating a Tag with the Project
Add Cloud Zones to the Project
Assign Automation Assembler and Service Broker User Roles
Assign Catalog Items to a Project
Automation Orchestrator Implementation for Project Onboarding
Adding Resource Provisioning to a Project
Requesting Catalog Items
API Tag Filtering Examples
Automation Orchestrator Action Example
Basic Sample Cloud Template
Associating an External Value with the getTagByKey Action
Example Service Broker Catalog Request
Requesting Catalog Items Programatically
Tags and Custom Properties
Using VMware Aria Automation XaaS Services
Workflow Sample
Using Custom Resources
Resource Mappings
Custom Cloud Template Component
VMware Aria Automation API Programming Guide
Getting Your Authentication Token
Get Your Access Token
Verify User Roles
Prerequisites for API Use Case Examples
Automation Assembler Tutorials
Working with tags
Create a Kubernetes Zone with a Tag
How do I retrieve provisioning request details
How do I extract and edit zones associated with a project
Onboarding and Managing Resources
Create and Deploy a Machine Resource
Managing IP Addresses
Query for IP Addresses
Allocate IP Addresses
Release IP Addresses
Creating and Using a First Class Disk
Create a First Class Disk
Attach a First Class Disk
Manage First Class Disk Snapshots
Working with Azure Disk Snapshots
Create a Block Device
Create and Manage Azure Disk Snapshots
Update the Custom Properties of a Machine
Provision a VLAN Private Network
How do I use a placement policy to spread VMs by memory
Protecting Sensitive Data
How to provision a machine with sensitive data
Properties that Support Encryption
Querying with the APIs
Using Pagination and Count
Filtering Resources by Region ID
Filtering for Machine Status
Filtering Operations for Projects
Setting up Automation Assembler using APIs
Adding Cloud Accounts
Add an Amazon Web Services Cloud Account
Add a vSphere Cloud Account
Add an NSX-T or NSX-V Cloud Account
Add a VMC Cloud Account with a Proxy
Add a Microsoft Azure Cloud Account
Add a Google Cloud Platform Cloud Account
Integrating with other applications
Create an Integration with Github
Delete an Integration
How do I import an IPAM package
Using Automation Assembler APIs to Build your Resource Infrastructure
Create a Cloud Zone
Create a Cloud Zone with a Folder
Create a Project to use in Automation Assembler
Add Users to Your Project
Add a Cloud Zone to Your Project
Create Flavor Mappings
Create Image Mappings
Working with Networks
Create Network Profiles
Create a Network Profile with Isolation
Create a Network Profile with Security Groups
Using the Network APIs
Creating Storage Profiles
Create an Amazon Web Services Storage Profile
Create a vSphere Storage Profile
Create a vSphere Storage Profile for a First Class Disk
Create a Microsoft Azure Storage Profile
Create a Microsoft Azure Storage Profile for a Managed Disk
Managing Your Projects
Create a Project with the Project Service API
Add Users to Your Project Using the Project Service API
Working with Blueprints/Cloud Templates
Create and Update a Cloud Template
Setting up Policies
Create an Approval Policy
How to Create Resource Quota Policies
Create a Deployment Limit Policy
Create a Content Sharing Policy
Version and Release a Cloud Template to a VMware Aria Automation Service Broker Catalog
Edit and Version a Custom Form
Remove a Cloud Template Version from a VMware Aria Automation Service Broker Catalog
Test Your Cloud Template Deployment
Deploy Your Cloud Template
Specify SCSI disk placement
How to Create Custom Naming Templates
Requesting a Deployment from a Catalog Item
Create a Catalog Source and List Discovered Items
Request Deployment
Create a Lease Policy
Working with Deployments and Resources
Deploy a Cloud Template with Contents Inline
Look up Deployment Details
Get Deployment Resource IDs
Change the Lease on Your Deployment
Delete Your Deployment
Reconfigure Load Balancer
Add a Disk to a Machine and Power It Off
Viewing Billable Objects
Working with Pipelines
Create an Endpoint
Create and Enable a Pipeline
Run and Monitor your Pipeline
Configuring the VMware Aria Automation Plug-In for ServiceNow ITSM
Overview of the VMware Aria Automation Plug-In
Installation Prerequisites
Compatibility Matrix
Installation of MID Server
Install the user criteria scoped API plug-in
Create a Data Source Choice in ServiceNow
Enable Application Access
Install and Update the
Installation of
Update the from 8.14 to 8.16.1 version
Configuration of the
Managing the ServiceNow Users
Adding the ServiceNow User Roles
Setting Up ServiceNow Groups
Configuration of VMware Aria Automation for on-premise Version
Create Day 2 Policies
Verify Email Address Mapping
Vancouver and Utah Support
Configuration for ServiceNow Vancouver and Utah Release
Register VMware Aria Automation Plug-in for the on-premise version
Configuration of VMware Aria Automation for Cloud
Create Day 2 Policies
Verify Email Address Mapping
Generate the Refresh Key
Register the VMware Aria Automation Plug-in for Cloud Version
Configure Event-based data sync in VMware Aria Automation
Configure Event Subscriptions in VMware Aria Automation
Configuring and Using the Service Portal
Setting Up the Service Portal Prefix
Configuring the Deployment Widget
Add the View and Modify Resource Widget on the Request Summary Page
Configure the Deployment Counts in the Deployment List
Configure the Deployment Counts in the Deployments Widget
Using the Service Portal
Viewing the Deployments
Deployment Actions
Resource Actions
Configuring and Using the Service Catalog on Native UI
Configuring the Service Catalog on Native UI
Using the Service Catalog
Viewing and Requesting the Catalog Items
Performing the Actions
Create the User Criteria
Advanced Configuration
Configure and Run Import Jobs
Email and Ticketing Properties
Configure the Email and Ticketing Properties
System Properties
Configure the Support Group for Request Failure Incidents
Retriggering Time for Catalog Item Request if MID Server is Down
Cancel Time for Catalog Item Request if MID Server is Down
Re-triggering Time for Catalog Item Request Status Check
Cancel Time for Catalog Item Request Status Check
Configure the Multi-Level Approval for Day-0 and Day-2 Catalog Item Requests
Create a Custom Workflow for Specific Catalog Items
Create a Sub-Workflow
Create the Main Workflow
Update the Approval Group System Property
Configure the Custom Sub-Workflow
Update the System Property of the Workflow Activity
Access the Sys IDs
Supported and Unsupported Functionality
Known Issues
Unable to perform Day-2 Action
Complete Hover Message or Field Name is not Displayed
Deployments and Resources are not displayed
ServiceNow Users are not able to View Deployments
End user of Automation-ApprovalGroup is not able to approve functionality on other's plug-in request
ServiceNow Users facing string limit issues when exceeded to the max
After/Before the Upgrade, if the plug-in behaves abnormally OR the user forgets to set the “Replace on upgrade” flag then check the Skipped and Skipped Manual Merge records in the Upgrade History
Expected variables are not visible on the RITM table for end user
Documentation Legal Notice
Using the Service Catalog
Last Updated February 19, 2025
This chapter describes how to use the Service Catalog for the
Configuring and Using the Service Catalog on Native UI
Viewing and Requesting the Catalog Items
Performing the Actions
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