Backup and Restore Last Updated February 7, 2025
VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
, you can store the backup on the local storage (up to five latest backup files), SSH or FTP servers. You can start the backup immediately or schedule a periodic backup.- The backup and restore setups must have identical versions.
- To avoid any inconsistencies, the restore setup must be a fresh deployment. Take the snapshots of the VMs before you run the restore commands.
- OnlyAdminandConsoleusers can configure backup and restore through public APIs and CLI commands respectively. TheAuditoruser can only see if any backup and restore configuration exists on the setup.
- Trigger the backup process.MethodDescriptionUsing CLI commandFor additional CLI commands, see the CLI Documentation.Create a backup configuration file on one of the platform nodes under/home/ubuntu. To create the file, you must login asSupportuser.To run the CLI commands, you must log in as aConsoleuser on the same platform where you created the backup configuration file.Using APISeesettings/backupon the API Reference page.You must provide the configuration as the JSON body in the API request.Configurations for the backup processScenarioDescriptionFile ConfigurationConfiguration to trigger backupCreates the backup file on local file server in the default directory:/var/lib/backup-restoreor,any user specified backup directoryorCreates the backup on FTP server in the user specified backup directoryCreates the backup on SSH server in the user specified backup directoryConfiguration to schedule the backup processImmediate Backup"schedule_now": true,Daily BackupThe permissible value forhour: 0-23 The permissible value forminute: 0-59Weekly BackupThe permissible value forhour: 0-23 The permissible value forminute: 0-59 The permissible value forday_of_week: 1(Sunday) - 7 (Saturday)Backup only few configurationsIn thedata_filterparameter of the configuration file, set the configuration totrueto backup selected configurations. To skip the backup of a particular configuration, set the value tofalse.If you do not specify thedata_filterparameter,VMware Aria Operations for Networksbacks up all the configurations.An example of the configuration file for a weekly backup (every Tuesday) on a FTP server with selected configurations.
- Trigger the restore process.The sequence for restore is as follows:MethodDescriptionUsing CLI commandsFor additional CLI commands, see the CLI Documentation.Create a restore configuration file on one of the platform nodes under/home/ubuntu. To create the file, you must login asSupportuser.To run the CLI commands, you must log in as aConsoleuser on the same platform where you created the restore configuration file.Using APISeesettings/restoreon the API Reference page.You must provide the configuration as the JSON body in the API request.Configurations for the restore processScenarioDescriptionFile ConfigurationConfiguration to trigger restoreRestores from the local file serverRestores from the FTP file serverRestores from SSH file serverRestore only few configurationsIn thedata_filterparameter of the configuration file, set the configuration totrueto restore selected configurations. To skip the restore of a particular configuration, set the value tofalse.If you do not specify thedata_filterparameter,VMware Aria Operations for Networksrestores all the configurations.If you do not specify thecollector_mappingparameter, all the restored data sources will be mapped to a random collector on the restore setup.collector_mapping, all data sources mapped tosource_collector_ipon the backup setup will be mapped todestination_collector_ipon the restore setup. If mapping is not specified for any collector on the backup setup, the corresponding data sources will be mapped to thedefault_collectoron the restore setup. You can specify mapping for multiple source collectors to destination collectors.An example of the configuration file to restore from a FTP server with selected configurations.