Sustainability Metrics
Last Updated February 20, 2025

Sustainability metrics are collected for virtual machine, host system, cluster compute resource, vSphere World, and Organization object types.

Metric Names

Metric Name
Object Type
Power|Total Energy (Wh)
Virtual Machine
Total energy used.
Total Energy (Wh) = Sum(Power|Energy (Joule))/3600
Power|Total Energy (Wh)
Host System
Total energy used.
Total Energy (Wh) = Sum(Power|Energy (Joule))/3600
Sustainability|CO2 Emission (kg)
Cluster Compute Resource
Carbon dioxide emissions. Calculated as power consumption* CO2 Emission rate
CO2 Emission (kg) = Sum(Host System(Power|Total Energy(Wh)))/1000 * 0.709
Sustainability|CO2 Emission before Virtualization (kg)
Cluster Compute Resource
Carbon dioxide emissions before virtualization, assuming that power consumption per physical server is 100W, reflecting a low end hardware specification.
CO2 Emission before Virtualization (kg) = Summary|Number of Running VMs * 0.1 * 0.709
Sustainability|CO2 Emission by Idle VMs (kg)
Cluster Compute Resource
Total carbon dioxide emission from all idle VMs. Calculated as CO2 emission rate * Power consumed by Idle VMs, where the rate is set at cluster property / 1000.
CO2 Emission by Idle VMs (kg) = Sum(VM(Power|Total Energy (Wh)), If VM(Summary|Reclaimable Idle = 1) * 0.709
CO2 Emission by Idle VMs (kg) = Power Wasted by Idle VMs (Wh) * 0.709
Sustainability|Electricity Cost Savings
Cluster Compute Resource
Estimated cost savings by virtualizing workloads. Calculated from the difference between power consumption before virtualization and after virtualization. The electricity cost is defined at the cluster custom property.
Electricity Cost Savings = (Summary|Number of Running VMs * 0.1 - Sum(Host System(Power|Total Energy(Wh)))/1000) * 0.108
Daily Electricity Cost Savings = (Summary|Number of Running VMs * 0.1 - Power usage (kWh)) * 0.108
Sustainability|Power usage (kWh)
Cluster Compute Resource
Power usage calculated from all hosts in kWh.
Power usage (kWh) = Sum(Host System(Power|Total Energy(Wh))/1000
Sustainability|Power usage per GHz (Wh)
Cluster Compute Resource
Power usage efficiency. Calculated as power consumption over total GHz.
Power usage per GHz (Wh) = Sum(Host System(Power|Total Energy(Wh))/CPU|Usage (MHz)/1000
Sustainability|Power Wasted by Idle VMs (Wh)
Cluster Compute Resource
Sum of electricity power used by all VMs classified as idle by the system.
Power Wasted by Idle VMs (Wh) = Sum(VM(Power|Total Energy (Wh)), If VM(Summary|Reclaimable Idle = 1)
Sustainability|Trees to Offset Idle VMs CO2 Emission
Cluster Compute Resource
Number of standard trees required to compensate CO2 emission of all Idle VMs. Based on 36.4 pound of carbon per tree.
Trees to Offset Idle VMs CO2 Emission = Sum(VM(Power|Total Energy (Wh)), If VM(Summary|Reclaimable Idle = 1)/1000 * 0.709 / 16.511
Trees to Offset Idle VMs CO2 Emission = Power Wasted by Idle VMs (Wh)/1000 * 0.709 / 16.511
Sustainability|CO2 Emission (kg)
vSphere World
Total carbon dioxide emissions. Calculated as sum of carbon emission from all clusters.
CO2 Emission (kg) = Sum(Cluster(Sustainability|CO2 Emission (kg))
Sustainability|CO2 Emission before Virtualization (kg)
vSphere World
Total carbon dioxide emissions before virtualization. Calculated as the sum of CO2 emission from all clusters.
CO2 Emission before Virtualization (kg) = Sum(Cluster(Sustainability|CO2 Emission before Virtualization (kg)))
Sustainability|CO2 Emission Avoided (t)
vSphere World
Carbon emissions avoided with virtualization. Calculated by difference in values of carbon emissions before and after virtualization and converting value in kg to Tonnes.
CO2 Emission Avoided (t) = (CO2 Emission before Virtualization (kg) - CO2 Emission (kg)) / 1000
Sustainability|Electricity Cost Savings
vSphere World
Total estimated cost savings by virtualizing workloads at vSphere World. Calculated as the sum of Electricity cost savings.
Electricity Cost Savings = Sum(Cluster(Daily Electricity Cost Savings))
Sustainability|Power Savings with Virtualization (%)
vSphere World
Percentage of power savings achieved by virtualization. Calculated by Formula = (Power usage before Virtualization - Power usage after Virtualization)/Power usage before Virtualization *100.
Power Savings with Virtualization (%) =( Power usage Before Virtualization (kWh) - Power usage (kWh) ) / Power usage Before Virtualization (kWh) * 100
Sustainability|Power usage (kWh)
vSphere World
Power usage calculated from all hosts in kWh.
Power usage (kWh) = Sum(Host System(Power|Total Energy(Wh)))/1000
Sustainability|Power usage Before Virtualization (kWh)
vSphere World
Power usage assuming that each low range server consumes 0.1 kWh.
Power usage Before Virtualization (kWh) = Summary|Number of Running VMs * 0.1
Sustainability|Power Wasted by Idle VMs (Wh)
vSphere World
Sum of electricity power used by all VMs classified as idle by the system.
Power Wasted by Idle VMs (Wh) = Sum((VM(Power|Total Energy (Wh)), If VM(Summary|Reclaimable Idle = 1))
Sustainability|Adjusted Score|Workload Efficiency (%)
Indicates efficiency based on resource wastage in the environment.
Workload Efficiency (%) = 100 - (Wastage/Usage Ratio CPU + Wastage/Usage Ratio Memory + Wastage/Usage Ratio Disk) * 100 / 3
Sustainability|Adjusted Score|Hardware Efficiency (%)
Indicates efficiency of hardware in the environment, based on the age of the hardware with the assumption that newer hardware is more energy efficient than older hardware.
Hardware Efficiency (%) = ((10 - Average Age of Servers)/ 10 * 30%) +((10 - Average Age of Storage)/ 10 * 30%) + ((10 - Average Age of Network)/ 10 * 20%) + ((10 - Average Age of Desktop)/ 10 * 20%)
The Average age of hardware variables in the formula is provided in the
Organization Details
Sustainability|Adjusted Score|Resource Utilization (%)
Indicates utilization levels of the physical resources in the environment.
Resource Utilization (%) = (Virtualized Server (%) * 44.45%) + (Virtualized Storage (%) * 33.33%) + (Virtualized Network (%) * 22.22%)
Sustainability|Adjusted Score|Virtualization (%)
Indicates the extent of virtualization in the environment.
Virtualization (%) = (Server Virtualization (%) * 0.4) + (Storage Virtualization (%) * 0.3) + (Network Virtualization (%) * 0.2) + (Desktop Virtualization (%) * 0.1)
Sustainability|Adjusted Score|Power Source (%)
Indicates the sources of power being used in the environment. Usage of renewable energy sources leads to lesser carbon emission.
Power Source Efficiency (%) = Sum(Adjusted Scores of each Power Source)
Adjusted Scores of Power Source = Power Source Green Factor * Power Source Share in Organization
Sustainability|Hardware Utilization|Server (%)
Indicates server utilization levels.
Virtualized Server (%) = ((Total ESXi Hosts CPU Utilization (GHz) / Total ESXi Hosts CPU Capacity (GHz)) + (Total ESXi Hosts Memory Utilization (TB) / Total ESXi Hosts Memory Capacity (TB))) / 2
Sustainability|Hardware Utilization|Storage (%)
Indicates storage utilization levels.
Virtualized Storage (%) = (Total datastores utilization + Total RDM) / (Total datastores capacity + Total RDM + Physical Disk Overhead)
Sustainability|Green Score (%)
A score that indicates how efficient or green your data center is.
Green Score (%) = (Workload Efficiency (%) * 22.5%) + (Resource Utilization (%) * 12.5%) + (Virtualization Adoption (%) * 15%) + (Power Source Efficiency (%) * 37.5%) + (Hardware Power Efficiency (%) * 12.5%)
Sustainability|Power Usage (kWh)
Sum of the power usage across all the clusters in the environment.
Power Consumption = Sum ( (Cluster) Sustainability|Power Usage (kWh) )
Sustainability|CO2 Emission (kg)
Total carbon emissions in the environment based on power consumed.
CO2 Emission = Power Consumption * CO2 Emission Ratio
Sustainability|Workload Efficiency|Idle VM Count
Number of Idle VMs, which are considered idle based on the Reclamation Idleness settings.
Sustainability|Workload Efficiency|Orphaned Disk Space (GB)
The aggregated size of all orphaned disks which are reclaimable based on the Orphaned Disk Reclamation settings.
Sustainability|Workload Efficiency|Oversized VM Count
Number of Oversized VMs, which are considered oversized by the capacity engine recommendation and are not in the Power Off state.
Sustainability|Workload Efficiency|Powered Off VM Count
The number of VMs which have been in the Powered Off state for the last 7 days. The number of days (7) can be configured from the Reclamation Settings.
Sustainability|Workload Efficiency|Snapshot Disk Space (GB)
The aggregated size of all snapshots which are reclaimable based on the Snapshot Reclamation settings.