Create a Local Content Library
Last Updated December 16, 2024

You can create a local content library programmatically by using the
vSphere Automation
API. The API allows you to populate the content library with OVF and vApp templates. You can use these templates to deploy virtual machines or vApps in your virtual environment.
Required privileges:
  • Content library
    Create local library
    on the
    vCenter Server
    instance where you want to create the library.
  • Datastore
    Allocate space
    on the destination datastore.
  1. Access the
    service that provides support for creating local content libraries.
  2. Create a
    instance and define the storage location.
  3. Create a
    instance to define the security policy rules for the library. For vSphere 7.0 Update3, you can only define rules for an OVF and OVA templates in the library by using the
    security rule. When the OVF security policy is configured for a local content library, an OVF or OVA template can be synchronized or imported to the library only after its certificate is validated against a trusted certificate authority.
  4. Create a
    instance and set the properties of the new local library.
    If you want to apply a security policy on the local library, you must use the
    setSecurityPolicyId(java.lang.String securityPolicyId)
    method or the
    parameter of the
  5. Call the create function on the
    object and pass the
    as a parameter.
A local content library is created on the
vCenter Server
instance and you can edit its contents.
You maintain the contents of the local library by managing its library items. See How To Use Library Items and Content Library Support for OVF and OVA Packages. You can also share the library content by publishing the local library. See Publish an Existing Content Library.
This example is based on the code in the
sample file.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Create a Local Content Library procedure.
For a complete and up-to-date version of the Java sample code, see the
VMware repository at GitHub.

// Create a StorageBacking instance to back the library content on the local file system.
    StorageBacking libraryBacking = new StorageBacking();

// Create a LibraryModel that represents a local library.
    LibraryModel libraryModel = new LibraryModel();

// Access the LocalLibrary service by using the  endpoint.
    LocalLibrary localLibraryService = this.vapiAuthHelper.getStubFactory().createStub(LocalLibrary.class, sessionStubconfig);

// Call the create method of the LocalLibrary service passing as an
// argument the LibraryModel instance.
    String libraryId = localLibraryService.create(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), libraryMod
This example creates a local library with name
, which is stored on the local file system where
vCenter Server
This example uses the steps that are described in the Create a Local Content Library procedure.
For related code samples, see the
VMware repository at GitHub.

# 1 - Create a storage backing instance on a local file system.
library_backing = library_client.StorageBacking()
library_backing.type = library_client.StorageBacking.Type.OTHER
library_backing.storage_uri = ’file:///tmp’

# 2 - Create a Library model to specify properties of the new library.
library_model = content_client.LibraryModel()
library_model.type = content_client.LibraryModel.LibraryType.LOCAL = ’AcmeLibrary’
library_model.storage_backings = [library_backing]

# 3 - Call the create() method, passing the library model as a parameter.
idem_token = str(uuid.uuid4())
local_library_stub = content_client.LocalLibrary(my_stub_config)
library_id = local_library_stub.create(create_spec=library_model,