Download and Install
Last Updated December 16, 2024

The SDK is available in the Downloads section of the VMware {Code} landing page for the HTML Console SDK. You can use your My VMware account or Partner login to authenticate for download.
The SDK is delivered as a ZIP file. The unzipped SDK includes the WebMKS Javascript program with CSS and image folders.
SDK:  css  img  wmks.min.js
extended-keypad.css  main-ui.css  trackpad.css  wmks-all.css
touch_sprite.png  touch_sprite_feedback.png
program has been minimized so it is not human readable. You can find various Web sites to make the Javascript readable, such as,, and the Javascript beautifier.
The WebMKS program requires jQuery, a popular Javascript library, and jQueryUI, a related library for user interfaces. Several versions of these libraries are available on public Web sites, such as and For secure environments you can download these libraries to run in a datacenter without Internet access.
Because the WebMKS program is written in Javascript, it requires a modern browser with Javascript support. Recent versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge all qualify. If Javascript is enabled, the jQuery and jQueryUI libraries can run.
To see how it works, place the WebMKS program on an HTML page as a script, after loading the jQuery and jQueryUI libraries.