Using IPsec with

When you set up IPsec on an
host, you enable protection of incoming or outgoing data. What happens precisely depends on how you set up the system’s Security Associations (SAs) and Security Policies (SPs).
  • An SA determines how the system protects traffic. When you create an SA, you specify the source and destination, authentication, and encryption parameters, and an identifier for the SA with the following options.
    esxcli network ip ipsec
  • An SP identifies and selects traffic that must be protected. An SP consists of two logical sections, a selector, and an action.
    The selector is specified by the following options.
    esxcli network ip ipsec
    The action is specified by the following options.
    esxcli network ip ipsec
Because IPsec allows you to target precisely which traffic should be encrypted, it is well suited for securing your vSphere environment. For example, you can set up the environment so all vMotion traffic is encrypted.