Remote Plug-in Sample UI and ServerLast Updated December 16, 2024
The remote plug-in sample demonstrates
a secure, efficient, remote plug-in that was developed according to recommended practices.
The sample supports a Global View extension to the vSphere Client. The user interface
component creates a modal dialog, views that extend vSphere inventory objects, and examples
of using a card to extend a Summary view.
The user interface code also shows how to:
- Initialize the Client API.
- Retrieve session authentication information and pass it to the plug-in server.
- Perform a data retrieval request to the plug-in server.
- Define a context action for a VirtualMachine object.
The plug-in server code shows how to:
- Respond to a data retrieval or modification request.
- Clone and cache a user session with a vCenter Server.
The remote plug-in sample does the following actions:
- Creates a global view.
- Opens a modal dialog.
- Authenticates to vCenter Server.
- Performs a data retrieval call.
- Creates a relation between a Chassis object and a HostSystem object.
- Creates several views that extend context object views.
- Defines an action on a VirtualMachine context object.