Configuring Theme-Dependent Icons for vSphere Client Remote Plug-ins
When you refactor style sheets for your plug-in to accommodate theme changes, you can
also specify icons suited for alternative themes. You specify theme-dependent icons in the
plug-in manifest file.
Configuring theme-dependent icons is an optional step that can improve the user
experience after a theme change.
- Edit the plug-in manifest file,plugin.json, and locate theiconSpriteSheetproperty at the second level of the JSON, within thedefinitionsproperty.... "definitions": { "iconSpriteSheet": { "uri" : "assets/images/sprites.png", "definitions": { "main" : { "x": 0, "y": 96 } } }, "i18n": { "locales": ["en-US"], "definitions": { "": { "en-US": "Theme Example" } } } }, ...
- Within theiconSpriteSheetproperty, add athemeOverridesproperty that maps each theme name to a URI and the coordinates of its theme-dependent icons.The structure of each theme property inside thethemeOverridesproperty is identical to the structure of theiconSpriteSheetproperty, which contains auriand adefinitionsproperty.... "definitions": { "iconSpriteSheet": { "uri" : "assets/images/sprites.png", "definitions": { "main" : { "x": 0, "y": 96 } }, "themeOverrides": { "dark": { "uri": "assets/images/sprites_dark.png", "definitions": { "main": { "x": 0, "y": 96 } } } }, "i18n": { "locales": ["en-US"], "definitions": { "": { "en-US": "Theme Example" } } } }, ...A best practice is to maintain a separate style sheet for each theme, with corresponding icons in the same positions. When you do this, you do not need to override the default coordinates, and you can omit thedefinitionsfrom thethemeOverrideselement.
- Save your changes and close the manifest file.
Write front-end code to load style sheets that match the theme selected by the